Funny part is it looks sci-fi to me.
Funny part is it looks sci-fi to me.
Having worked with people in that industry they don’t care. They always just want to shake things up then move to next thing to say they did something at their old job. Then forget all about it once they did the next thing.
Lol someone saw Suits and thought they could expand it.
Doing wonders for that birth rate they care much about.
I’m convinced this is class warfare disguised as misogyny.
She ended up going to jail and eventually prison, accused of “concealing” the stillbirth, something that several states, including Arkansas, still label a crime. Such laws date back to the 17th century, intended to shame and accuse women of crimes if they were pregnant and unmarried.
Seriously need to clean up the books. What a waste of tax payer money
So first no singing in public because I assume their women are equalivement to sirens of the sea. Now this! They gonna do mutilation next?
The AI training module world we live in needs a restart.
Man still looks at a picture of biden in his bed.
Is he implying people will want to go to mars to get away from Trumps America?
That’s why I put the quotes. Some people may call it a person. I don’t. That was me trying to respect the other side.
Disgusting that a life was lost over a “person” that would have never existed. This is doing wonders for the birthrate they are so worried about. I wonder if they just assumed this only effects the poors cause wealthier people would go to less restricted hospitals.
Ah Elon most love all this extra code being written. If course it’s super inefficient but look at all those lines sooo much code.
One of my coworkers gave me tons of crap for me saying it. But she was dumb.
I never understood why you need that many. Like in one location. Like are you opening a store? I recall the 1 guy had a bunch of guns so he didn’t have to reload. But like 100s? You cant carry that many. Literally more guns than blades of grass on lawn.
Along with all the other ridiculous stuff i read about russia right now this going to Make a great documentary one day.
Everyone! Dont you see! Isreal is trying to divert Russian troops from Ukraine. This is a win!!!
I mean we could work on the root cause of demographic decline?
Naaa that will effect our corporate donors! Let’s just make a dumb solution that can be capitalized!