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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • “The scary socialist madman” accompanied by the Democratic Party apparatus? A presidential candidate Sanders along with a moderate liberal VP would have gotten both the traditional Democratic vote (as long as the party collaborated with him, rather than giving him the Corbyn treatment, which I don’t trust liberals not to do) and a considerable chunk of the electorate who doesn’t feel represented by either party. The day you guys understand that you don’t have to fight the Republicans in traditional terms, but rather, to change the coordinates of the fight, you’ll force Republicans to choose between evolving or getting buried. But the real problem by this point is whether it is too late.

  • Both of these guys are ancient. I wouldn’t care if any of them used drugs (as long as they don’t pose long-term risks for their health) because they might as well be medication. Or are we going to be so dense that the idea that two 80 years olds are likely taking some medication is going to fly over our heads? Furthermore, where do we draw the line of what a “drug-enhancing drug” is? Coffee? Most adults take it to function under inhuman schedules. Adderall? If you do have ADHD, you do also need it to function; if you don’t have it, it’s going be even less useful than coffee. Anything else that they bought at a pharmacy? I don’t care.

    All in all, this looks like a talking point made up by people who want to treat politics like a sport, where we’re supposed to watch “athletes” compete with equal opportunity for performance, which is definitely not what a presidential debate should be about.

  • So just stick to your own values?

    If you won’t find ethics in religion, you’ll find some by exploring philosophy. If you won’t find truth in religion, you’ll find some by learning science. If you won’t find a purpose without religion, reach out to people who are worthy of sharing a life with, enjoy art, try to make the world a better place. You will find a purpose far truer to you than any preacher could offer.

  • It’s a wrong observation based on what you see online. When you see atheists online being explicitely atheist, they have some hot issue with religion at the moment. The vast majority of non-believers are just chill.

    I, personally, went through a period during which I had already embraced the “Whatever, they’re stupid, but as long as they’re not evil I can respect their general existence”, then the church I did live next to forced me to move away, and when I protested, they tarnished my name and tacitly threatened several members of my family to receive the same treatment if they raised their voice.

    So, honestly? I wish more atheists were angry and combative. Religion is a means of social control, enforcing comformity and protecting the privileges of the in-group and the impunity of the hierarchy. Brainwash kids into being unable to live without faith, so that if they ever try to leave, they’ll se their life get torn apart, both mentally and socially. You have just acted in bad faith (as you admitted you just guessed what the intentions of the other person were) as a means to protect your identity, your worldview, rather than sincerely considering the honesty of the other person because you have been abused into interpreting the possibility of reasonable doubt as a threat.

    Nothing of this is an attack against you. I just want you to see your attitude will only lead you to continue living in a cloud of fear, hindering your own growth.

  • I can tell you from harsh experience that becoming atheist and deconstructing the entire faith isn’t going to lead to any sort of salvation at all, the only thing it’ll accomplish is your own undoing. It’s a very slow and agonizing death by a thousand papercuts.

    I deconverted two decades ago and nothing wrong came out of it. If anything, the immoral hypocrites who provoked problems from within the faith kept creating those problems and covering for each other, so things would have gone better if more people deconverted.

    I’m sorry you weren’t in a good mental place to healthily finish the process though.

  • Adderall is a drug that:

    • If your brain typically produces very reduced amounts of dopamine (as it’s usually the case with people with ADHD), it helps your brain achieve more standard levels of dopamine. This usually means that you go from a need for constantly get new, interesting stimuli (so that your brain generates dopamine until it reaches standard levels), to actually become capable of focusing on what you want to do, which usually means in not getting fired and being capable of putting your life in order.

    • If your brain typically produces standard amounts of dopamine (as it’s usually the case for neurotypical people), it acts as an stimulant, gets you high and is potentially addictive.

    There are countries that have extremely tight regulations on Adderall, to the point of enforcing how much it should be produced based on old data from doctors’ prescriptions who may or may not be predisposed against believing their patients, for the sake of protecting morons who want to irresponsibly get high, even if it provokes shortages that may potentially destroy the lives of people who do need the drug in order to function without issues.

    Do you see the problem with priorities here? If you have to choose between protecting people consistently choosing to behave irresponsible until they need treatment, and people who, beyond their own capacity to choose one way or the other, do need treatment now in order to have a good life, choosing to restrict its production and distribution provokes widespread healthcare issues (with ramifications at the economical, social, and most importantly, human level) in order to prevent another that may or may not actually take place. It’s completely moronic.