You don’t have to reboot it. You just have to click the main side button several times (10?). Which you can do by feel.
You don’t have to reboot it. You just have to click the main side button several times (10?). Which you can do by feel.
Trump got fewer votes than the year he lost. Democrats did not show up to vote.
They love international students because they pay the full price. The cost for American students is partially payed with tax money.
This is because the extra lane allows demand to change. It is not congested so people feel ok building and moving to further out suburbs. This continues until demand has increased to cause delays.
Note that Houston and Paris have about the same population. Paris is 1/3 the size. They are actually removing a lane from their loop highway and planting trees, and turning another lane into busses only. Only considering transportation, I would much rather live in Paris.
We already jail or deport criminals.