There’s also the times they tried to overthrow the governments of the places that took them in, one of which was Jordan fyi
There’s also the times they tried to overthrow the governments of the places that took them in, one of which was Jordan fyi
Man has crippling depression that he can’t treat like many men
You: “oh my gaaaawd he’s so dangerous all men are this!”
What do you expect from a feminist perspective? Their philosophy already has an answer and that answer is men are the oppressors and women the eternal victim. I grew up the only man in a family of women, it was hell. I was always too loud, too big, too expensive because I couldn’t wear my sisters hand me downs and once the mental health issues being hammered into a mold I don’t fit began to crop up. Feminism contributed more to my suicidal young life than anything else. The only reason I am alive today is I found male friends, even the toxic ones helped more than feminists ever did. My toxic friends taught me to stand up for ME. Feminists told me to shut up and let people abuse me, to smother my sense of right and wrong.
You are doing everything but blame your abuser, you’ve literally shifted the blame to society itself
I never said the USA is above reproach I’m calling out Europeans for acting as if they had no part in it, Cunk herself is from a nation that bought slave cotton DURING THE CIVIL WAR and put children in coal mines during the same period but saw no issue with little Timmy O’Toole dying of black lung at age 14 because yall didn’t see the Irish as human beings
Sure, shift blame away and never help feminism 101 when it comes to men
Never heard of the country Europe, continent maybe
Why does it need value? Living to extract value and nothing else is toxic to your body mind and soul.
Their point is most groups this hateful reject trans women just as violently as Cis men. This is a case of odd internal consistency and I’d give them points for it except for everything else
My mother does the speakerphone thing but she’s also half deaf from a lifetime of loud blue collar work. It’s never as clear cut as you think
My point is the hypocrisy of ragging on the US slave trade while they were the ones that set it up and bought products made by it. I’m not washing the USA’s sin here but it’s only fair to remember Europe’s place in it
Daily reminder Europe funded the Confederacy bybuying slave cotton
Edit down voting doesn’t erase your crimes
American biscuits, closest you have are scones iirc
Yamato is also a Wunderwaffen, where the Star Destroyer is a mass produced system actually meant to wage war and is battle proven by its years of service and the lessons learned from its Clone War predecessor. Too bad they still stuck the bridge on top so it’d still look like the USS Texas though
Or those weird stromboli I had with sauce inside. Felt wrong for stromboli