Every time we think we’re out, it just pulls us back in.
Every time we think we’re out, it just pulls us back in.
I mean… C’mon though dude, we’re literally talking about ONE slave here. If you don’t have the political capital and/or diplomatic savvy to secure the freedom of a single, solitary piece of human chattel from an old, racist stereotype alien then are you even really a politician at all?
Besides, if memory serves (which, granted, it’s been awhile), wasn’t Watto pretty taken with the sweet, chromed out hot rod they waltz in on to begin with? Cuz I’m no businessman or anything, but I’m reasonably sure there’s some sort of deal to be made there…
It’s a job, not a fucking relationship, what other kind of mindset are you supposed to have?
These people are fucking delusional
ForceFarce One
My first death in this game came from succumbing to a massive heart attack while trying to acquire/equip said tie.
Now, play Starfield and try to wrap your head around the fact that both of these titles were made by the same company.
I thought we were mostly in agreement on this, tbh
I didn’t expect…
Good news everyone!
I’ve developed a nearly foolproof method for preventing anyone else from sharing this fuckin sucker’s experience, and will share it here - free of charge - today only!
It’s simple. All you have to do is ask yourself a single question: Does X effect Trump’s Y?
Replace X with the issue or item you’re concerned with.
Then replace Y with one of the following: health | self-image | bank account | stock market
If your answer is ‘No,’ congratulations, you now know that Trump will indeed NOT give a single fuck about your problem. Also, it’s probably some sort of peasant issue anyway.
If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’re likely still fucked somehow! 😁
And nothing of value was lost
Stop it Patrick, you’re scaring the Republicans!
Is that like the next to last stop before ‘thoughtcrimes,’ or…?
Has anyone tried explaining to the fire that climate change is just part of the radical, dangerous leftist agenda? Ooh, no, wait - Show it all the carbon offset credits we’ve got! Cuz those aren’t like the ‘thoughts and prayers’ of climate change policy or anything, and the fire will totally be like, “My bad fam, I didn’t realize”