Furthest Right: raging realism plus transcendental reverence. I write at https://www.amerika.org/ and https://www.deathmetal.org/ about topics such as nihilism, ecofascism, paganism, eugenics, capitalism, perennialism, conservatism, natural selection, and of course death metal.
That’s neat. Just get in the helicopter now and we’ll explain everything on the way.
I think it’s more general delusion from self-pity.
That’s the one thing running through the Left: self-pity and drama.
No, the notion of questing for “equality and peace” is a product of mental health problems and I want humanity to be stronger, so I want to purge those who are biologically fucked-up.
No, throwing you out of a helicopter because you have adopted an unrealistic and destructive mental pathology.
Anyone who believes in “equality” or “peace” is delusional. Toss 'em.
@yourgodlucifer @wintermute_oregon
Not a slap, that’s moving the hand out level.
Musk was flat on the chest, then hand moved out upwards.
It’s stuff like the Leftist freakout over this that makes ordinary people realize they’re insane.
We are going to have to throw Leftists out of helicopters. It’s not retribution, it’s eugenics!
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