thanks for the rec
thanks for the rec
good thing I never said modern medicine, eh?
this is simply the liberal “if you don’t vote then you deserved it” rhetoric repackaged. we’re not interested since our goal isn’t to work inside the system as abolitionists
anyone who calls AI a form of life is too far gone to collaborate with
western medicine was racist long before capitalism even existed. if you wanna take the class reductionist approach whenever apartheid is being brought up that’s your prerogative
both of them got probation which is just a sick joke. if it were a Black man killing cops or paramedics he probably would’ve gotten a life sentence, if he survived the encounter
it’s always been ACAB not some cops are bastards. exemplified by the paramedics being gleeful at getting to do a lynching
I disagree, all medics are bastards until they unilaterally separate from the police and abolish the healthcare industrial complex
it’s really concerning you’ve worked for more than a decade in healthcare and you haven’t put 2 and 2 together. but I guess that’s just HCW privilege for you.
I recommend Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington
there’s no co-optation here, western medicine was founded upon white supremacy and colonialism. this is just the modern presentation of it
obviously the main factor was cops and paramedics being racist against Black people but Black Neurodivergent people have way higher murder rates.
I don’t wish my initial comment to be interpreted wrong, people were rightly furious that a Black man was lynched.
I disagree with your initial statement that the lynchers were brought to justice as 2 of them escaped conviction
this is simply an extension of how y’all treat Neuro divergent people in hospitals and psych wards. I assume the fact that it happened in the open made people outraged compared to when it happens behind closed doors
all the paramedics that don’t wear respirators for COVID are cops
lmao top-tier troll
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do y’all ever get tired of the genocide denialism circlejerk? don’t you feel pathetic to do the job of Russia and China for free? at least get new material besides "X is anti-US, therefore X anti-imperialist and therefore communist ". it’s called being a tankie
if you think criticizing the USSR is “anti-communist” that’s your own cultist complex to deal with. critiquing Russian imperialism has always and will be based, regardless if it’s hiding under the hammer and sickle or the Wagner logo
I’m really glad to hear that in classic ML fashion, you know better than Ugandans themselves what does or doesn’t constitute colonialism. I recommend actually watching the TikTok video from the Ugandan activist I linked you that already explains how Mandarin is erasing indigenous languages in favor of facilitating Chinese exploitation of local resources.
Believe it or not, Spanish is also a colonial language. It’s pretty well known in any history book that it was used to enact cultural genocide on indigenous people all across Turtle Island. Indigenous people in Latin America have the “choice” of assimilating into Spanish culture or face poverty, starvation and genocide by white Latinos.
lmao imagine unironically linking the qiao collective, the mouthpiece of the CCP, as a credible source. I was wondering how long until the .ml brainwashing chip activates 🤭
here’s an even quicker read:
The University of California, Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective posts “positive, often revisionist perspectives about Chinese politics.” That report stated that Qiao Collective claims that the “West’s perceptions of China as a human rights violator are actually the opposite; China is benevolent in helping marginalized people.” 1
The UC Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective is particularly sympathetic with regard to how China treats the Uyghur people. 1 On Aug. 31, 2022, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report stating that the “Chinese government’s rights violations against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang ‘may constitute … crimes against humanity.’” 5
The left-of-center Human Rights Watch stated that since 2017, the Chinese government has carried out “a widespread and systematic” attack against the Uyghur people that included mass detention, torture, religious persecution, separation of families, forced labor and sexual violence. 5
The UC Irvine report stated that the Qiao Collective “assert[s]” that re-education camps do not exist and the camps were built to “deradicalize” extremists so they can get proper training to live on their own. UC Irvine’s report stated that Qiao claimed the camps teach Uyghurs to “better function in the economy,” learn technical skills, and they are allowed to go home a couple times per week to see their families.
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you could argue machine learning like Google translate is useful. it’s still evil though because Google.
generative ai though? absolutely not, we need to burn it down.
it doesn’t matter whether abolition is realistic or not. the same thing could be said in 1980 about owning a supercomputer that fits in your pocket