Funny how the libertarians never mentioned this before the election …
Funny how the libertarians never mentioned this before the election …
Comment from an old reddit post:
Ashfield Valley estate in Rochdale. It was completed in 1969 and while it was initially popular, like many housing estates at the time, it quickly declined and by the 1980s was a haven for drug users, glue sniffers and squatters as well as being home to a large number of families, OAP’s and single people. In January 1987, frozen water pipes cracked, flooding 15 of the 26 blocks. Many of the tenants were evacuated, with some having to sleep in a local church. 23 blocks were demolished in 1992.
I’m aware of this. My entire family died because of covidiots. My apathy toward these people is immense.
“They’re hurting the wrong people!”
22 children and two adults had been infected, all of whom were unvaccinated […] the cases had been concentrated in a “more insular” community in the county, among people who attend church and private schools together. Many of the children are also home-schooled
After how groups like these actively spread covid, I’m really struggling to find any sympathy for them.
“It primarily affects logged-out users in the U.S.,” he said. “This one was particularly interesting because there really was a swing down, but then a recovery shortly thereafter happened right at the end of the quarter.”
Show me the graph, spez. Pics or it didn’t happen!
Sucks to be them, then.
“There were a lot of people who were like, ‘We’ve got to stop the groups from doing this.’ … People are concerned that they’re saying we’re not doing enough, but we’re not in the majority,” said one member. […] Some Democrats see the callers as barking up the wrong tree given their limited power as the minority party in Congress.
So? Republicans have been in the minority and they’re still successful in blocking the Democrats’ agenda. I don’t see why the Democrats are so reluctant to turn the tables when it’s literally our entire fucking country on the line. They should refuse everything the Republicans try to do.
Narrator: He never did.
My thought was that there’s just so much land. It’s inhospitable, yes, but there so much they’d never be able to cover it all. They could invade and take the cities, but there’s absolutely no way they could control the countryside.
There were all those corpses for the ?Qatari? World Cup, tons of people still went. :(
shrugs They’re the ones that voted for this shit. It’s just a shame the rest of us have to live with the outcome.
If you’re in the Philly area with our weird basements that don’t fit standard washers, we all get Speed Queen washers. Good luck with your GE, though!
Surely there’s a mechanics advice community here somewhere? They could at least get you started on troubleshooting.
I hereby formally invite all the Eagles to my place for a Super Bowl victory party, and I promise to serve much better food than cold McDonald’s!
It’s not just the morale of the protestors, it’s the morale and courage of everyone. Lawmakers, judges, career civil servants, scientists, educators - they’re being attacked by the government and they feel helpless and alone. When you feel like there’s no one out there on your side, it’s easy to go along, to give up. To stop fighting back, to keep evil in check even if you can only do a small bit here and there.
By going out and being visible, we’re telling judges and lawyers and lawmakers to keep fighting, to push back against fascism. By giving people in power courage to continue to stand up and fight back, we’re preserving some amount of political power for ourselves, slowing down the fascist speed-run, giving time, energy and momentum both to people who want to resist and those who need to hide. We’re making it less easy and less convenient for the administration, and making it more obvious that they’re lying when they claim to have a mandate.
I’d love to live a quiet life, but if the price of that is giving up on equality and freedom, letting people I love and respect be trampled - how could I respect myself? Where is my honor and integrity? I don’t know where or how this ends, but if I come out the other side, I’d prefer to be able to live with myself.
So, question: the vaccine is 97% effective against measles, meaning there’s still a 3% chance i might get it under various circumstances *. Assuming I’ve been vaccinated and still got measles despite having a normal, functioning immune system: I recognize I’d likely have a milder case of measles, but would it still wipe out my immune system’s memory?
* I know it’s not actually 3% and there’s a host of factors, but none of that’s really relevant to the question, so please ignore it.
They never said they wouldn’t come for migrants without criminal records; they only said that they’d target them first. So if they come across other migrants in their targeted search for those with criminal records, they still consider those to be valid arrests.
edit: to address the comments: I said that they think of then as valid arrests, not that I did.
the group would now be called Arab Americans for Peace. […] Bahbah said the group had been thinking about changing its name for “a while” and ultimately made the decision Tuesday. But Bahbah had said during a phone interview just prior to Trump’s Tuesday night press conference with Netanyahu that the group’s name was Arab Americans for Trump.
“The talk about what the president wants to do with Gaza, obviously we’re completely opposed to the idea of the transfer of Palestinians from anywhere in Historic Palestine,” Bahbah said. “And so we did not want to be behind the curve in terms of pushing for peace, because that has been our objective from the very beginning.”
If that was your goal, why not divorce yourselves from election politics, at least in your name? You’re just trying to cling to influence.
If Democrats ever get back into power, they’ll get yelled at for not fixing all this shit fast enough.