Never heard this do you have a link or something?
Never heard this do you have a link or something?
The people saying oppression isn’t always bad, what kind of examples or situations do they give? Pretty curious because I can’t really think of any examples where oppression would be good.
Yes exactly, I recently watched this guy’s video and it made me a lot more aware of the left/right thinking we do
For me definitely steps, I walk 5000 steps on a work day, when I actually have time off its more like 10K steps. I would stop working and just walk with my dog for an full hour every day. Combine that with normal daily stuff I’ll definitely get 10K steps (2500 euros/dollars) every day. That’s almost a million a year.
You don’t understand they guy is an absolute genius, he’s on the factory floor every day, with a welding machine and soldering iron building all theses Tesla’s. He also wrote all the software himself so we have full self driving cars since 2015, they never crash! I just took a robo taxi this morning, it was kind of big and there where other people in it, but I didn’t have to drive or do anything, all thanks to Elon.
Imagine buying a PC but only be able to install anything from one app store made by the manufacturer
Xennials are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts.
Many researchers and popular media use birth years from 1977 to 1983,[1] though some extend this further in either direction.[2][3] Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood. Xennials are almost exclusively the children of baby boomers and came of age during a rapidly changing period that was the 1990s.
I was also going to say LOTR, it was just boring and long. I understand why people like it but I really didn’t. I also didn’t care much for GOT, so the fantasy genre is probably just not my thing.
Thanks I actually started searching myself too and found this
Edit I also found this