Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

  • 21 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Gonna channel TierZoo for a minute here:

    If you’re going to play High School, there are two ways to create the Jock build:

    • You can go with the Prep class and then subclass in Meathead. You’re going to letter in baseball, soccer, golf and track and field, your girlfriend is a cheerleader, you’re probably going to be prom king and you’re going to the college your dad did and probably join the same frat your dad was in.

    • Start out as trailer trash nobody and go for the “peak in high school” subquest, you’re gonna be on the football team and the wrestling team, you’ll date one of the three straight girls in the marching band’s color guard. You’re probably someone’s school bully. You’re not even going to apply to college. Ten years from now you’ll be other than honorably discharged from the marine corps and you’ll work as a bouncer at a dive bar in Jacksonville.

    It’s kinda rare to see a direct distaff counterpart to either one of these. In the former’s case, you get a cheerleader. She might run track or something in the spring but these girls usually throw themselves into shit like student government, yearbook club, whatever student committee organizes the dances, she’s gonna major in poli-sci and marry a lawyer for his money or she’s gonna get an MBA so she can be a self-proclaimed “boss bitch.”

    In the latter’s case, she probably doesn’t go for athletics or even extracurriculars at all, she’s a fixture at house parties with alcohol, she has basically no plan for life, through her 20’s she’ll waitress at various chain sit-down restaurants and/or cashier at Food Lion until she gets knocked up.

    There is a somewhat rarer class of severe tryhard, she’s convinced she’s going to be an astronaut so she takes herself 100% seriously, isn’t accepted to the Air Force Academy so she enrolls in ROTC at ERAU, is in every sport the college offers to girls, does basically no socializing, ends up an officer in the Air Force but does not become a pilot, resigns as a Captain and opens a shelter for abandoned parrots. Athletics are just a byproduct of overachieving with nothing to show for it.

  • I’ve watched probably a similar amount of Youtube, and I’ve been a viewer of the platform since at least 2010.

    I remember quite a lot of it. Lots of quality entertainment and education. Some of it I directly watched, a lot of it was playing in the background while doing something else. I distinctly remember watching HCBailly’s run of the Legend of Zelda Oracle games while putting my Ikea furniture together for the apartment I rented while going back to school.

    If you were to total it up and then offer me that much of my life back in exchange for forgetting everything I’d seen, I’m not sure I’d say yes. I mean, I’ve learned a lot of skills from Youtube videos, I built a hand plane a couple days ago, learned how to do that on Youtube.

  • I just now built a rabbet* plane based on a video of his, like this afternoon. He does indeed make it look easy but I got it done, and it works. Not convinced it works better and/or faster than the rabbeting bit in my palm router, but it’s quieter and probably a little safer.

    *He called it a ‘rebate’ plane rather than a ‘rabbet’ plane. I’m convinced that the term was coined back before spelling was invented and was pronounced something like “ruhBETTE”, and then carpenters in America spelled it “rabbet” and British carpenters spelled it “rebate” and then they wrote those spellings in textbooks which others read, which is why Americans pronounce it “bunny” and the British pronounce it “discount.”

  • Well, the RISC-V instruction set is open source, but that doesn’t imply a system architecture standard. So there’s not going to be one. The x86 PC became an industry standard basically by accident, an accident that is unlikely to happen again. Hell, even CP/M, the DOS before DOS had to come in different flavors for different manufacturers because the several manufacturers that supported it didn’t build compatible computers.

    Microsoft has so much inertia on x86 that it’s probably not going anywhere, and RISC-V will become the new ARM, same cores slapped into whatever the hell the company wanted to build that day. With no standard platforms, there will be no modular accessories. What you’ll get are sealed shut devices with no user serviceability, the RAM and storage soldered to the board and the bootloader stored in on-chip ROM.