This is not the solution.
Those could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Really puts into perspective how smart you people are for cheering for this. Bunch of knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
This is not the solution.
Those could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Really puts into perspective how smart you people are for cheering for this. Bunch of knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
Lol, this comment was removed for saying “No. This money could’ve gone to people who actually need it, instead it’s going to those who want it. Not a single life is being saved from this nor is a single person being brought out of poverty. But hey, that’s the point.”
The reason given was “trolling is uncivil.”
The mod abuse is out of control.
I expect moderators to abuse their power at this point.
It’s why I overwhelmingly don’t respect their decisions.
Not a terrible idea, but I wish we could bring them over to the US.
Unfortunately the US is too close to Israel and that will just result in Palestinians using the opportunities to harm Americans.
Israel really is an albatross around the neck of the western world. We need to drop them like a bad habit.
A waste of resources.
They all could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now there’s nothing. Yay.
What are you talking about? Those could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now it’s just a waste.
There you go just looking for an excuse to spew your propagandized talking points.
That’s… simply not true
I can tell you’re a victim of the propaganda mill and get visibly uncomfortable whenever someone says something that goes against your indoctrination.
The Russia cannot win without additional troops either. And they cannot get those.
That’s… simply not true
I can tell you’re a victim of the propaganda mill and get visibly uncomfortable whenever someone says something that goes against your indoctrination.
Actually, reading the rest of your post is kind of hilarious. The absolute delusions you people believe are truly a sight to behold.
Glad I paid attention in social studies. It’s a shame you did not.
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No, I’m not conflating anything. I’m referring directly to the people that supported hillary clinton over Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary.
I just don’t agree with you about casting your vote being the time and place to stage a protest (in a system like ours at least).
It’s fine for us to disagree on this. Perhaps more fascism will eventually cause you to advocate for doing something different.
I can say with certainty that trying to argue with me about why I should support the lesser evil is a complete waste of your time and energy.
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Like I said, getting mad at me isn’t going to help.
You people need to do something different and start getting mad at those who support establishment candidates.
You won’t though, so fascism wins. Great job. I hope you look good in front of your peers.
You people are the ones fighting the non-voters instead of those nominating candidates the people don’t want to vote for.
Instead of getting mad at me, you people should be getting mad at those who keep nominating candidates I refuse to vote for.
You’re wasting your breath trying to convince me to change. I’ve said before all you guys do when you get angry at me for non-voting is reinforce my decision to do so. This means that all of you arguing against me are actually arguing in favor of more fascism, because that’s what we keep getting.
Hey, if you don’t want to understand something then you never will.
I’ve been very clear up to this point and should not have to elaborate further. You don’t like what I’m saying, so you’re trying to pretend it doesn’t make sense.
I’m going to block you now. Once the bad-faith auto-arguments take hold, there’s no point in engaging further.
Good luck.
Just passing a bunch of money around at the top.
Like I said, I don’t expect you people to do anything different.
This song and dance is going to go on until the day I die and likely long after.
If only they were this enthusiastic about raising taxes on the ruling class…