On a related, is there a list of good open source strategy games? I’m especially interested in grand strategy.
West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.
On a related, is there a list of good open source strategy games? I’m especially interested in grand strategy.
We really need more mobile strategy games. Seems like the right platform.
Sorry I’m no longer interested in such a derailed conversation.
Highly doubt that Syrian army were interested in opening a front with the strongest military in the world, when they’re getting pounded by Al-Qaeda on the other side of the country.
Weird question, but what does GnuCash do that you wouldn’t get easily from excel? I haven’t used any of these apps and wondering what I’m missing out on.
This makes matrix even less attractive to me lol. But you’re right, that’s a very good point.
I have a feeling this is a joke. Either way I’m not following sorry 😭
About the racoon recommendation have you tried other Lemmy apps? Curious what made you choose racoon