My point is It’s irrelevant whether you think of it as such, OP point is climate changed in that time relatively fast dispite humans not going through industrial revolution. It manifested among else in Sahara.
My point is It’s irrelevant whether you think of it as such, OP point is climate changed in that time relatively fast dispite humans not going through industrial revolution. It manifested among else in Sahara.
it’s cycle that reapeats itself, I suppose it can seem unusual.
Not always, check Sahara for instance. Went from grass lands with biggest lake on planet to dust dry place within hundreds of years as Egyptians who built pyramids still lived in period before total desrtification. That affected whole world climate BTW.
One thing I’m unsure of is whether warming is so bad because a) planet was warmer multiple time in prehistory and it led to abidance of life b) we live in interglacial period and if that perid ends we are going to fight much worse calamity and need much more energy. Even getting out could become life threatening.
On the other hand Venus situation is also not ideal.
I’m saying there are tens of theories, some of them are bad others are good or neutral for humans or other species. I’m also hinting that often activists and goverments don’t follow reason or science but are after feelings and sensations. But we should let scientists tp figure it out and find concensus.