There was a whole saga of him buying expensive rat erotica artwork at one point, which is a sentence I never thought I’d write.
Just another Reddit refugee
There was a whole saga of him buying expensive rat erotica artwork at one point, which is a sentence I never thought I’d write.
I don’t know, I’ve been assured by plenty of members of the government that’s supposed to represent me that these sorts of dangerous people must be immigrants. Or drag queens. Or those evil, conniving socialists who want to take all our guns away and force our children to have sex changes or something. I’m not sure, it’s hard to keep up to date with all the crazy bullshit.
I’m sorry you feel like this. I don’t know you, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself. I was depressed for a long time, too. Therapy helped. You’re right to think about the good things that may happen in the future, because there WILL be good things, just like there will be bad things. I don’t know the details of your situation, but I hope it gets better soon, and I hope you know that people care about you. I’m sure there are people in your life who love you and would miss you. And even if you can’t think of anyone who cares, here’s one internet stranger who does. Sending hugs to wherever you are tonight.
TIL Mocha and I both enjoy the Dark Tower series. Great taste, Mocha.