Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 37 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


    Because Your Cat Deserves the Best (and Also a Lawyer)


    By purchasing, opening, or even thinking about Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™, you hereby agree to the following terms, conditions, and warnings. Failure to comply may result in your cat filing a lawsuit against you, your furniture being repossessed by a gang of disgruntled raccoons, or your entire household being teleported to an alternate dimension where cats rule the world (which, honestly, isn’t that far off from our current reality).

    Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ are a revolutionary blend of vitamins, minerals, and “mystery ingredients” designed to enhance your cat’s health, vitality, and overall ability to judge you silently. These supplements are scientifically formulated to:
    Improve coat shine (so your cat can look fabulous while knocking over your coffee mug).
    Boost energy levels (so your cat can sprint across your face at 3 a.m. with even greater enthusiasm).
    Support joint health (so your cat can leap onto surfaces you thought were out of reach).

    WARNING: Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ are not intended for use by humans, dogs, birds, fish, or any other species that isn’t a cat. If you accidentally ingest these supplements, you may experience side effects such as sudden cravings for tuna, an uncontrollable urge to nap in sunbeams, or the ability to hear the sound of a can opener from three miles away.

    While Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ are generally safe for most cats, they may cause the following side effects:
    Excessive Purring: Your cat may purr so loudly that it drowns out your favorite TV show, phone calls, or even your thoughts. In rare cases, this purring has been known to cause minor earthquakes or disrupt Wi-Fi signals.
    Increased Sassiness: Your cat may develop an attitude so sassy that it starts leaving you passive-aggressive Post-it notes around the house. Examples include:
    “Dear Human, the food bowl is half empty. Fix it. Sincerely, Your Overlord.”
    “P.S. The litter box smells like a dumpster fire. Do better.”
    Temporary Invisibility: Some cats have reported becoming temporarily invisible after consuming Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™. This is not a manufacturing defect; it’s just your cat being a jerk.
    Spontaneous Combustion: Okay, this one’s a joke. Probably.

    Administering Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ requires precision, patience, and a willingness to negotiate with a creature that views you as its personal servant.
    Step 1: Place the supplement on a clean surface, such as a plate or the floor.
    Step 2: Offer it to your cat in a respectful manner, preferably while bowing.
    Step 3: Wait for your cat to inspect the supplement, sniff it disdainfully, and then walk away.
    Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 approximately 47 times until your cat finally decides to eat it.
    WARNING: Do not attempt to force-feed the supplement to your cat. This may result in scratches, bites, or your cat holding a grudge for the next 17 years.

    Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ may interact with other products in unexpected and hilarious ways. For example:
    Catnip: Combining Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ with catnip may cause your cat to enter a state of hyperactive bliss, during which it will attempt to wrestle invisible ninjas, climb curtains like Spider-Cat, or host a one-cat rave in your living room.
    Laser Pointers: Using a laser pointer while your cat is on Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ may result in your cat achieving speeds previously thought impossible by science. Please ensure your home is adequately padded before attempting this.
    Other Cats: If you have multiple cats, be aware that Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ may cause them to form a feline biker gang and start demanding tribute in the form of treats, toys, and belly rubs.

    By using Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™, you agree to the following:
    You Waive the Right to Complain: If your cat becomes too fabulous, too energetic, or too sassy after using Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™, you are not allowed to complain. You asked for this.
    You Accept Full Responsibility: Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ is not responsible for any damage caused by your cat, including but not limited to: scratched furniture, broken vases, or the emotional trauma of finding a dead mouse in your shoe.
    You Acknowledge That Cats Are Weird: Let’s be honest, your cat was already weird before it started taking Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™. These supplements may amplify that weirdness, but they are not the root cause.

    Q: Can I give Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ to my dog?
    A: No. Dogs are not cats. If you try to give these supplements to your dog, it may result in your cat disowning you.

    Q: My cat has started speaking fluent French after taking Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™. Is this normal?
    A: Yes. Many cats experience heightened intelligence and linguistic abilities after using Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™. Please note that your cat may now demand croissants and complain about the lack of berets in your home.

    Q: Can I use Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ to train my cat to do tricks?
    A: No. Cats cannot be trained. They can, however, be bribed.

    Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™ are designed to make your cat’s life better, healthier, and more fabulous. However, please remember that cats are mysterious creatures with their own agendas, and no amount of supplements will change that.
    Thank you for choosing Nu-Trek Feline Supplements™. May your cat thrive, your furniture survive, and your sanity remain intact.


  • lol … years ago, I went out to an event with a friend of mine in the city in the late spring. We’re in Canada and at the end of the winter season, there is a ton of road salt everywhere. We were in his truck, a beautiful F150 fully loaded and it was covered in this road dust. I was having a good time and felt stupid and decided to draw ‘racing flames’ with my finger on the side of his truck as joke. He literally screamed and jumped at me and said that I shouldn’t do that because it would ruin the paint. I had never owned a brand new expensive vehicle in my life so I never really cared about things like this but he was right, scratching up an expensive truck like that can really mess up the owner’s property.

  • Yeah … I don’t like giving Reddit any more activity of any kind. If I see an image from there that I want to share, I’ll download it and reupload it to Lemmy. Reddit links are hideous and any time you directly go to an image link, it draws up a Reddit page to present the image, giving the site another complex hit that forces you to interact with their dumb site. These links are also specifically designed to just mess up any linking to any other service because it forces people to only see the content on the Reddit site and nowhere else.

    To anyone reading this … if you see a Reddit image, gif or webm that you want to share … download it (or screenshot it) and reupload it and never bother linking the original Reddit link.

  • This was high up in the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas … a mountain road that took us all the way to the highest village where they cured the best cured ham in the region. The ham was great but it was so well cured and dry that you could have used them as wedges for woodworking, the same for the cheese, it was hard like a plastic scrapper for auto body work. It might have something to do with the altitude, humidity and temperature because all the cheese we ever saw down at sea level were hard but not that hard.

  • Reminds me of Spanish ‘Manchego’ cheese. It’s a semi hard gourmet cheese in most commercial places and it has a slight strong flavour. During a holiday once in the south of Spain, we went searching for authentic Manchego cheese in the Sierra mountains of Andalusia. The cheese we found was a very strongly flavoured hard cheese that was the consistency and taste of hot weathered plastic. Strangely enough, combined with strong Spanish onion slices and it was delicious … and then mixing it again with strong Chorizo sausage, specifically the ones they make in the mountains which taste like well worn and sweated gym socks and it was a whole other thing to get accustomed to.

  • Mine is an ‘everything’ poutine … it depends on who makes it and where you get it … but up in some northern Ontario towns and highway places its usually a base of fries topped with fried onions, fried peppers, corn, peas, cooked diced carrots, hot peppers, jalapenos, ground beef, bacon bits, ground sausage, fried steak strips, pulled pork, two or three types of cheese and cheese curd smoothered with lots of hot gravy. If the place is good and generous, they layer it by placing a few fries, then the toppings … the repeating it one or two more times.