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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Give me a salary, and I’ll show up everyday outside the fence of the prison yard, and the entire time he’s out there, I’ll hurl nonstop insults and heckling his way.

    “hey, here’s mr. dipshit himself! is that your prison boyfriend? how’s that cell treatin you, dumbass? God what a pathetic loser! walkin around alone again, huh? where’s melania? barron still hasn’t shown up? dang, nobody out here even talks about you anymore, how neat is that? Diddy gets more mail from his victims than you do period! they composted all your merchandise, mixed it with pig shit, and it’s a great fertilizer, who’da thunk your bullshit would ever amount to something useful? druuuuuuuuuuuumpf. druuuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. loser couldn’t make money off a casino his daddy bought’im! druuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. missing your gold toilet loser? yum this mcdonalds burger is soooooo good, maybe if you’re good all year they might let work at one!”

    I can go all day

  • At some point we have to recognize that these organizations are delivering blatant misinformation and hate-speech. That is, speech designed to “other” an already minority group of civilians.

    These postcards accuse teachers of “pushing transgenderism” and describe gender-affirming medical care as “chemical and surgical mutilation.”

    This hateful and divisive rhetoric has real effects on trans people just trying to live their lives, and one should not be forced to participate in the dissemination of said hate-speech propaganda. I’m glad that they just suspended her, and ended up paying her for the days missed after she came back.

    I, for one, am sick an tired of being delivered hate-speech in the mail. Some of the republican mailers I get are littered with the same hateful misinformation. It does nothing but foment anger towards an already marginalized minority group. It’s wrong, and the post office should refuse to deliver it.

  • I’m a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don’t have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.

    I bet it’s related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.

  • On 5 November 1910,[2][3] on her 14th outbound voyage, carrying a mixed cargo including a number of pianos for Chile, Preussen was at 23:35 rammed by the small British cross-channel steamer Brighton 8 nautical miles (15 km) south of Newhaven.[4] Contrary to regulations, Brighton had tried to cross her bows, underestimating her high speed of 16 knots (30 km/h). Preussen was seriously damaged and lost much of her forward rigging (bowsprit, fore topgallant mast), making it impossible to steer the ship to safety.

    Brighton returned to Newhaven to summon aid and the tug Alert was sent to assist Preussen. A November gale thwarted attempts to sail or tug her to safety in Dover Harbour. It was intended to anchor her off Dover, but both anchor chains broke, and Preussen was driven onto rocks at Crab Bay, where she sank as a result of the damage inflicted on her. While crew, cargo and some equipment could be saved from Preussen, with the keel broken she was rendered unsalvageable. She sits in 6 metres (3.3 fathoms) of water at 51°8.02′N 1°22.17′E. The Master of Brighton was found to be responsible for the accident and lost his licence as a result. A few ribs of Preussen can be seen off Crab Bay at low spring tides.

    Wow, that captain messed up big time.

  • wow. the fact that they’re finding these chemicals in Placental and Amniotic fluid is nuts

    And then the chemicals themselves are just… a list of some very nasty things

    I’m reminded of the Propublica article that blew the lid off the fact that 3M’s PFAS accumulates in our tissues and causes cancer.

    At the time, Johnson said, he didn’t think PFOS caused significant health problems. Still, he told me, “it was obviously bad,” because man-made compounds from household products didn’t belong in the human body. He said that he argued against using fluorochemicals in toothpaste and diapers. (…) “These idiots were already putting it in food packaging,” he said.