I BOUGHT my eggs from small local farmers but they have been charging market prices. I asked a few of them why. One said if he didn’t that people would swoop in and buy all his inventory and likely resell it. Another, who ALSO has not been affected by bird flu said it is an investment for IF he loses his flock. So now I don’t buy eggs and have not been to a breakfast diner in about a year. I have actually ceased from eating out completely and purchase my food mostly from local farms and cut out meat. My cholesterol, sugar and BP have all greatly improved. Who knew, less is more. I am still annoyed that local farmers are keeping up with the market. The local Amish sold “pun’kins” to Walmart at .50 a piece which Walmart then sold for up to $8. At the Amish stand, they were selling them for $8.
To celebrate this ruling I went to my local reservoir where my town gets their drinking water and I went for a swim where I both urinated and defecated in the water. THANKS SCOTUS, you saved me from getting out of the water.