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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Lmao, barely have a conversation? Trump literally can’t even remember what he did or said yesterday, and has literally no plan for actually improving the country in any way shape or form.

    Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which actually presents a vision for how to return manufacturing to America and restart it’s economy, while addressing climate change. Trump has no plan to address literally any of that.

    You need to wake up man. They are not even in the same ballpark.

  • The problem with copyright has nothing to do with terms limits. Those exacerbate the problem, but the fundamental problem with copyright and IP law is that it is a system of artificial scarcity where there is no need for one.

    Rather than reward creators when their information is used, we hamfistedly try and prevent others from using that information so that people have to pay them to use it sometimes.

    Capitalism is flat out the wrong system for distributing digital information, because as soon as information is digitized it is effectively infinitely abundant which sends its value to $0.

  • Man this is fucking asinine. No one hates you. Certainly not the actual researchers and engineers building these products.

    Capitalism fucks over everyone who’s not immediately useful. AI is just modelling algorithms after neurons and discovering that that lets us solve a whole new class of fuzzy pattern matching problems.

    The two of them together promises to fuck us over even more because that was one of the main things that we used to be better than computers at, but the solution is not remove the new technology from the equation, it’s to remove the old and broken system of resource allocation that has and continues to fuck us no matter what.

  • No, it’s not a hard decision.

    You’re choosing between two old men, one of whom is an actual politician with a history of accomplishing things and running a country. The other is a mean old pervert who couldn’t run a business without committing fraud. He literally tried to cheat and destroy the system when he lost the first time.

    How the fuck do you think it’s close?

  • You’re really trying yourself in knots to try and blame the big bad corpos and no one else.

    Yes they are shoving it in people’s faces, and when the average person uses their default browser with a default search engine and searches on Bing and it uses AI in addition to a search index they are to blame, but every single user who intentionally seeks out ChatGPT or Copilot is also to blame.

    It’s a new technology, people are going to use it and burn energy with it and then eventually we will make a more efficient version of it as it matures, similar to everything else, including traditional search.

  • Someone posted a shitty article about AI and power usage, someone pointed out that literally every industry uses a ton of power but AI gets clicks, you said AI and Crypto bros are the same.

    If you don’t mean to imply that the counter arguments around AI and Crypto in terms of energy use are the same then write better given the context of the conversation.

    And posting another shitty article that just talks about power usage going up across literally all types of industry, including just normal data centers and manufacturing plants, and then vaguely talking about chatGPT’s power usage compared to Google search to try and make it sound like those things are connected, is not having a serious discussion about it.

    It’s skimming a clickbait headline of a clickbait article and regurgitating the implication in it like it’s a fact.