As a child in elementary school, I recall the teacher describing balance of power and thinking it seemed like the president had too much power. I later learned some of the intricacies of the system, but am no expert and still recall not grasping how the checks and balances would actually play out if a nefarious individual were to infiltrate the system.
At this point, I’m thinking either my naive younger self was right, or these people that made it to power didn’t understand any better than my elementary knowledge and genuinely believe they have this power.
Or they know what they’re doing and it’s a blatant attack in the USA.
In any of these situations, there’s no clean way out when nearly half the population actually supports it.
Fair point but I think the argument is still that, even after, it is the judges job to say they are operating illegally and must therefore cease such operations and/or take the penalty, no?