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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They run lemmygrad and are dedicated communists, as well as having a very opinionated “bad words” filter that’s hard coded into the lemmy server software and not configurable without building it yourself.

    Edit: commented below, but it looks like at some point they added the ability to customize the bad words filter as part of the site config, so that part doesn’t currently apply. Early on there was a bit of drama about the original hard coded version though.

  • That’s one of the things, but it’s also adding a dedicated sidebar for AI. That’s the sort of thing that should just be an extension, there’s absolutely no reason at all why that needs to be something built into the browser.

    Developers should be providing alt text themselves, but in cases where they aren’t having a local image recognition model running to provide a description isn’t terrible as long as it’s either 100% local or completely opt-in.

    The dedicated sidebar on the other hand feels very much like a cheap attempt to cash in on the AI fad.

  • Yeah that entire article basically agreed with everything I said. Technically broadcast TV does have some limitations enforced by the FCC (because it uses radio to transmit) even to this day, but broadcast TV is basically dead. I actually thought they had shut those stations down a few years ago, but I guess they’re still around. Regardless there are absolutely no government regulations that control what’s shown on cable and streaming services. 100% of censorship that occurs there is a business decision by the TV Networks and has absolutely nothing to do with the government.

  • You can, most networks just decide not to. Broadcast TV (which hasn’t really existed for I think more than a decade now) had restrictions about swearing (and other content) enforced by the FCC as it used a public good (RF bands). Cable TV (and now streaming services) are and pretty much have always been unregulated.

    TV Networks, being companies trying to make money, opt to self censor so as to appeal to the largest number of viewers, but that isn’t anything to do with the government, it’s 100% a business decision.

  • “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 campaign outside of Boston. “We cannot let him win.”

    The irony of this is breathtaking. If Biden wasn’t running there’d be much less of a chance of Trump winning. I really wonder what would happen at this point if Biden dropped dead of a heart attack tomorrow. I find it hard to believe anyone else could possibly be doing worse than him. Harris might do just as badly because of guilt by association, but at least she wouldn’t do any worse.

    If there’s any justice in the world both Biden and Trump will kick the bucket before the next election, and we’ll actually get a couple candidates that aren’t a few decades past the average life expectancy for once. Maybe get a fresh faced 50 year old for a change. God forbid we get a candidate that we don’t seriously have to worry about if they need a diaper change for once.

  • I can confirm Samsung appliances are complete trash. Every single one I’ve owned has either died or had a non-replaceable part fail within a couple years. We had a Samsung fridge at one point and one of the door switches failed. No big deal right, easy to replace? No, apparently Samsung used some kind of custom switch instead of the bog standard cherry contact switch that basically everything and everyone has used for decades, and it’s no longer being manufactured.