woah holy shit a bio?
The Profit.
They wouldn’t buy the attack on the Pentagon. I can’t see a scenario where you could threaten the military central of the US that somehow it was endangered from within or outside.
The airport would be a better bet back then.
Probably needed a better concept of a plan to replace it
She was getting that handshake.
That was her warning shot that it was her stage.
Ah, we’re in the endgame now.
So idk about everyone else, but did anyone else catch that they both had hot mics?
This wasn’t a debate for her, or a law school case scenario, or an undergrad philosophy argument. This was a trap she set.
He managed to call him weak, a poor sport, a sore loser, an idiot, in a publicly appropriate manner, and each time she did, he got more and more unhinged.
Don’t stop your opponent from making the wrong move.
No they won’t. Parts of Texas without power for over a week even after floods cleared, and no one rioted.
This is the first time I actually got worked up about a celebrity death. :/ I know no one is immortal but damn yo, he was a pretty important part of the things I enjoyed.
See that’s why I thought it was incoherent, he was actually interacting with it where instead us mortals have to make mechanics and rules and
God I don’t even want to overthink this, this is so beyond fun anymore.
Ooo this might be fun to bookmark
Ok, Arrowhead, I now want a backpack drone with this
Dear Kremlin,
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
But it does give you super powers I think
Isn’t it a rule if they stop acting superior they lose their vegan card and superpowers?
Hahahahaha so it doesn’t break anything that still relies on cookies, but neuters the ability to share them.
That’s awesome
Musk probably doesn’t realize how big of an insult that is.
Man I’m starting to think I’ve got the wrong hobbies. Maybe I do need to get out more.
Step 3 was your earliest big clue. You’ll never give that to a person. You’ll only ever be asked to enter it on the website it originated from.
That being said, the other commentors are right too.