Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Since the fuel efficiency standards are based on the vehicles footprint, going a few inches bigger allows for a slightly more powerful but also slightly less fuel efficient engine. So the car is roomier, more powerful, and doesn’t get penalized for lower mpg.

    Small trucks are penized for not being fuel efficent enough. I really wish that lead to smaller electric or hybrid trucks like the Maverick, but people have been conviced that those smaller efficient trucks are bad.

    I wish the standards were not based on size, but by vehicle type. Same end result for trucks being popular, but at least smaller trucks would be viable alternatives to sedans again.

  • Proof is required for rape exceptions in Florida’s proposed abortion law

    Also limited to 15 weeks, which is way too short for forcing a decision in normal circumstances, much less from surviving a traumatic event and not necessarily knowing that one is pregnant yet.

    Edit: Found a better article

    Survivors of rape, incest or human trafficking can access abortions until 15 weeks of pregnancy under the new law. But it mandates they provide a copy of a restraining order, police report, medical record or other documentation to their appointment, and providers may be obligated to report the crime in some cases.

    Many survivors don’t feel safe or comfortable reporting assaults, noted Stephanie Loraine Piñeiro, executive director of the abortion fund Florida Access Network. She called the requirements “unrealistic” and “incredibly cruel.”

    As with the previous 15-week ban, there are exceptions to save the pregnant person’s life or avert “substantial and irreversible” bodily harm. But some pregnant women reported they were denied necessary care during miscarriages and other complications due to doctors’ hesitancy about interpreting similar laws.

  • It is great, but does the Attorney General care what the health agencies say?

    The chilling effect from the abortion bans also comes from contradictory regulations, rules, and guidance with medical professionals trying to error on the side of not being prosecuted because the AG wants to drag them to court over whether the mother’s life was in danger.

    In Thursday’s press release, the agencies mention “fatal fetal abnormality” as an exception to the abortion law along with rape, incest and human trafficking. The press release later explains the exceptions for rape, incest and human trafficking have a cut off for 15 weeks, but the agencies do not say whether that applies to “fatal fetal abnormality.”

  • Confessions in police custody without being verified as voluntarily provided by defense counsel should not be admissible in court as a confession.

    The death penalty should be abolished.

    Appeals should have the same reasonable doubt standard as a trail. If new information introduces reasonable doubt is juat as important as whether they followed procedures during the trial. The whole idea that ‘it should have been introduced at trial’ is commonly used to dismiss appeals based on evidence that was excluded or not available at the time, especially for defendents that can’t afford high priced lawyers.

  • I remember the anarchit’s cookbook and knowing it was terrible at the time. One dumb friend was able to prove it while luckily avoiding seeious injury!

    But what I also learned back then was criticsl thinking as a lot of early websites were just as terrible, but it was a bit easier to tell they were terrible because they did not have any sulporting information like references or examples. Today it is fairly easy to dismiss youtube videos where the person is enthusiastic or doesn’t show the thing from start to finish. The best auto repair videos were some guy with a handheld camera (probably a phone) walking through the process and explaining what they were doing and why. If they stuggle a bit, even better! My favorite channel for someone doing wordworking explains everything in a calm and clear way, shows the process, and explains the ins and outs and why they might have done it differently in the past!

    The worst ones are someone enthusiastic showing five second clips and not mentioning anything about safety or how to know if you are doing it wrong. They are entertainment personalities and not a source of knowledge!