I really like the play on words GNU did with Mozzarella.
Thank you for the links!
Ottawa Resident Creator and Mod of https://lemmy.ca/c/ottawa
I really like the play on words GNU did with Mozzarella.
Thank you for the links!
I’ve used flatpaks. I’ve never used snaps (I don’t want to support proprietary Canonical stuff). I prefer getting stuff from the Debian repo.
I get that. It’s just your comment made me realize I should self host my sync server.
Yes. That was the first things I learned very quickly.
It’s not a bad thing.
It’s that I’d prefer if it was in the Debian repos. There’s an advantage to having all your packages come from one tested and trusted source. There are of course downsides to this approach namely, this kind of situation where there’s something new but not in the main repos.
Yes. This is it. I want, as much as possible, to use packages from the main Debian repos.
Thank you.
I see that I have to add an extra repo for Debian. That’s my only hesitation towards it atm.
I need to run my own sync server.
Didn’t consider Waterfox. Will look into it.
I was leaning towards GNU IceCat because of it being backed by Debian.
Thank you for the comment.
It seems difficult to get extensions onto IceCat it seems. I guess I’d have to update them myself as well.
I use Distraction Free YouTube because I run into errors when using FreeTube. I use Distraction Free YouTube to see the description. I use MPV to view the video.
I remember reading about the possibility of this in a middle school prep book a couple decades ago. Its amazing that it’s finally real.
I don’t understand why conservatives will with no costed platforms.
When I told a friend from high school always who supported the conservatives that the federal conservatives in 2019 was the only major party that didn’t have a PDF with a full platform, he said he didn’t care and just wanted to vote conservatives because conservatives would be “good for business”.
Why is there so many people who think like this.
LOL. Third from last is LNG (ie. Liberal + NDP + Greens). I don’t think such a coalition would be pro LNG (liquefied natural gas).