This will continue to happen if we keep matching down the road to privatized healthcare. The company should be investigated for predatory practices and shit down with money being repaid and high fibre on top.
This will continue to happen if we keep matching down the road to privatized healthcare. The company should be investigated for predatory practices and shit down with money being repaid and high fibre on top.
Oh the government will find money to help the bankers.
Book banning is shameful and a disgrace, those who are scared of knowledge are really scared that someone will better themselves and ask questions of those doing the banning.
If your government wants to ban books ask why. Why do they want to ban books on let’s say gun manufacturing. Well they don’t want their citizens to have the ability to defend themselves against the government, sure they will wrap it in some other reason like saving children or stopping crime, but really they know they are not working for the people of that country, and they worry that the people will find out and come after them. In a true democracy the people would just need to vote out the politicians, but there aren’t any real democracies just the illusion of democracy, which can be seen in the USA at the moment.
Knowledge is never a bad thing, some knowledge might be painful and hurtful but in the end you are better off knowing, one way or the other.
Build your own libraries of knowledge banned or otherwise, share it with people, help people understand what you are sharing and why. Use the knowledge to help and not to hate, but at least you will know what hate is and help people improve their lives by understanding who is pulling the strings.
Can you imagine that knowledge is bad 😞.
And do not think that I don’t realize that there is bad knowledge being shared by evil people, but at least you can combat those people with good knowledge and be able to see who is spewing that knowledge, and then call them out for it.
Ramble complete.
And into tech companies to track you everywhere you go, that’ll be the real tough part, how do you plan any action. Then the military and the heavily armed police forces know exactly who all was involved.
We will try to help, we don’t want to see this for the American people either, it doesn’t do anybody any good, but there really isn’t much we can do, but we will try.
But Americans need to stand up against this, they are destroying your government systems piece by piece.
This American Putin wanna be is going burn it all down isn’t he.
I like Americans (to a point), but FAFO, we burnt the Whitehouse down before.
Braxman on YouTube has a good video on this exact point and how they are using it with the government to track everything you do, it is part of the KYC know your customer ideology that is now being used by tech co’s to be able to track everything about your life.
Yup been the law as a law member(who should know better) and just apologies, nope fuck that harder repercussions for law enforcement members. You stole someones rights, not privilege but rights, off to jail with you and no pension and repercussions for those in charge. ACAB indeed
They’re in damage control, trying to make it seem like it isn’t real. But it is real, the Donvict sucking on Felons toes. It’s real I tell ya, real lol that’s some funny shit there.
America baby!
You all better stand up for what’s right, or you will end up on the wrong side of history. Your but in the right path, clean your shit up and start acting like responsible adults.
I know they I should address the story, but my fuck imagine being the richest person on the planet and dressing like that. Fucking grow up you douche
I agree, except with the pipelines, and I am in and worked on the expansion project, and it was fucked up beyond belief, there should be an investigation on what entry in but there won’t be. Not a waste of money but holy fuck it was it of control.
You know what, revoke his citizen ship for dressing like a fucking teenager.
You hit the nail on the head. Bring it you orange fuck…
Isn’t he already the president, well I mean at least pulling all the strings with no repercussions? Mind you the Donvict doesn’t seem to have any repercussions yet.
One of our cats died the same thing, always wants drooly cuddles…
Yeah she probably services the higher ups.
Can he be pardoned again? And has that ever happened before?
Not American, I see both on Google Earth.
There was an article last week discussing how that plane calls home every day and that it can be blocked by the Americans. They can shut all of them down within 24 hours.
Time to nope right out of that contract.