• NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Seems like a good move to hurt Elon, but I think this move was poorly thought out looking at the rebate page and will hurt BC residents.


    Specifically, this part

    Eligible chargers

    Chargers eligible for rebate must meet the following criteria:

    A Level 2 charger, 208V or 240V, and feature a SAE J1772 standard plug head

    Whether they like Tesla or not, this is excluding the newer SAE J3400 that all major car manufacturers have now adopted and all new cars will use. Manufacturers of EV chargers are adopting this as well, and forcing people to use a J1772 standard is going to force all newer vehicles even non Tesla vehicle to use an adapter.

    They should update the rules and allow both even if not allowing Tesla specific ones.

    Imagine buying one of the new Kias and your only option to charge at home is with an adapter or you get no rebate.