On Windows 11, is it superior to use the command line interface (e.g., terminal) for interacting with yt-dlp? Or is a GUI like stacher.io sufficient for 99% of needs?
I’m also curious if it is better to use an Ubuntu WSL for yt-dlp CLI for a more streamlined terminal
i have Total Commander open anyway and have a button on the button bar pointing to the yt-dlp.exe with the parameters below, the “?” makes it do a popup and I just insert the link at the end, it will create a new directory where you are located.
?–config-locations “locationofmy\yt-dlp.config” --output “%P%%(extractor_key)s/%%(uploader)s/%%(title)s-%%(id)s.%%(ext)s”
sorry to comment off-topic. But why would you use total commander? I know of maybe two people who use it and I don’t understand why. The UI is very outdated, the function keys are hard to press, and it forces two windows. I’m genuinely asking what are it’s upsides that anyone would choose to use it?
It has a superset of features compared to the Explorer - Meaning it can do all the things that the explorer can do plus more.
I’m simply used to the two window layout since the old ages of Norton Commander ( Yes, Norton used to create useful products back then.). For me it is about hotkeys for functions ( Select, Filter, Copy, paste, move, delete). A multi rename tool. A search for file contents. A copy queue.
I do not use it for everything, but sometimes it’s simply better when then standard windows tools.
This, I also come from the dos era, i’m accustomed to the split window. This was the “main look” of my PC before windows.
Similarly I cannot understand people who use explorer or anything to manage files, tc makes it so easy.