I’ve seen Autism used as the reason that some people commit a crime. It might be a factor but in some of these I just don’t see the connection. It has been used in everything from cyber crimes to violent murders.
Autism doesn’t mean you don’t have morals and it especially doesn’t mean that one can’t care about others. On the contrary, most Autism people care deeply about other people.
Committing crimes doesn’t mean that someone is immoral or doesn’t care about someone. Most crimes happen in the heat of the moment, when someone is very emotionally dysregulated.
Getting deeply, irrationally and obsessively upset about things that might seem random and pointless is a very common trait associated with Autism. Crimes can happen when someone is in that state. Doesn’t mean that their surroundings didn’t fail them, but there also is a factor of personal responsibility.
I wouldn’t say that the simplified “Crime because of Autism” is a very nuanced way to see it, but I do believe that some traits of Autism could lead to a higher chance to commit some crimes 🤷 But honestly, most mental illnesses and neurodivergencies are like that.
And what isn’t an illegal act =/= what isn’t morally justified action.
I wake up each day already doing crime in certain countries.
Be Gay.
Do Crime.
Lots of crime! (ง ื▿ ื)ว
I do believe that some traits of Autism could lead to a higher chance to commit some crimes
i’m not sure about that, though. iirc neurodivergent people (including autists) are more likely to be victims of violent crime than neurotypicals
Being more likely to be a victim and a perpetrator are not mutually exclusive.
I think the crimes most likely to be committed by autistic people are prohibition related or possibly violent crimes that happen in the heat of the moment.
On average though autistic people probably aren’t more likely to commit crimes.
do you have any numbers on that?