I like to drink coffee from a posh glass. I use a clean one each time. My wife dislikes the practice but I often tell her, if this is my most incongruent habit then things are pretty great honestly.
I’ve found that a quick spin on the lathe every six months or so is totally sufficient. It’s usually time when I start to notice that the remaining volume is down to one or two espressos and the cup is able to provide a good cup of Joe despite only receiving hot water.
Yes I am kidding.
But yes, for science I’ve also cleaned a stainless steel cup that way.
wait, do all of you wash your coffee cup regularly?
I wash mine every few months. In between washes I sometimes pick off the lip gunk. I know The navy takes it a little more seriously though.
My wife uses approximately eleventy mugs a day for who knows what purpose, and fills up the top dishwasher rack.
I like to drink coffee from a posh glass. I use a clean one each time. My wife dislikes the practice but I often tell her, if this is my most incongruent habit then things are pretty great honestly.
And then she’s like “if this was your most incongruent habit….”
Daily dishwasher.
I’ve found that a quick spin on the lathe every six months or so is totally sufficient. It’s usually time when I start to notice that the remaining volume is down to one or two espressos and the cup is able to provide a good cup of Joe despite only receiving hot water.
Yes I am kidding.
But yes, for science I’ve also cleaned a stainless steel cup that way.
i had a hearty chuckle
A rinse and maybe a wipe.
We have a rack of coffee mugs and wash them in the dishwasher after each use like other dishes. Sometimes I handwash one to use again.
If it’s not had a warm coffee in it for approximately 4h, it’s dirty and I need a new cup.
If I happen to regularly have coffees in the same cup over 12h and I’m going for another, the mug is still fine
I don’t make the rules
I am not gonna go overboard and call what I do a “wash”. Soap usually doesn’t enter the picture.
Nah, once every few days is sufficient.
Yeah, I like a little creamer in mine, so that whole “it’ll be part of tomorrows coffee” thing means old dried dairy 🤢
Coffee cheese!
Creamer is actually non-dairy. Not that I’m advocating not cleaning it out of your cup, but an interesting tidbit nonetheless.
Once a week.