It’s converged now.
Yeah they converge. OP should understand after about the third time they wake up and their back hurts for no reason.
That convergence line is absolutely vertical
I was old before my 20’s
At some point you’ll be talking to someone a lot younger than you and realize that somehow they’re still an adult and then immediately after they’ll do something incredibly immature. Will make that top line will drop so fast.
Yup, that’s me. I work w/ people 10+ years younger than me. I think I’m old.
The state of being old is a whole bunch of things that correlate with chronological age, but unless you know someone moving at relativistic speeds, chronological age is the only one we all move through at the same rate.
If you can hold on to the good bits of youth, like open-mindedness, and grow along dimensions like maturity, maybe youth doesn’t need to be wasted on the young.
Nah son, I’m old. I walked down the stairs wrong and my back was hurting for ten minutes
I don’t think this graph is accurate - the lines shouldn’t be so perfectly parallel.
The older I get, the greater the distance between my age and “old” age. When I was 12, 15 seemed old. At 42, 75 seems old.
But at the same time, they converge too. I feel way older than I thought I’d do at my age (35).
It’s a log chart
My wife is a few months older than me. She doesn’t seem to appreciate that I call her old as hell on her birthdays.
I hope you’re frequently making jokes about how you’re into older women.
She also does not appreciate whenever I play Your Love by The Outfield just so I can sing the lyric:
🎶You know I like my girls a little bit older 🎶
That line crossed for me years ago. I think at 25
i’ve simultaneously feel like an idiot baby and a cranky old woman since i was 14 please tell me it gets better
I’m so happy the lines are converging for me, my age is finally starting to catch up to my hair line and color
wdym? for me the lines crossed when I was 20. I’m ancient now.
As a teen came to conclusion age is just a number and this still holds. Met smarter, more conscious teens than most of the adults I know and met more childish and dumb adults than most of the teens. The only thing word “adult” connects with for me is conforming with what others expect of you at the cost of your own happiness
Screw that. Gonna frolick in grass, learn new shit, do sports or jump into puddless and see how far I can make them splash ;p
…when i turned thirty, i was a grownup, and people started treating me like one: grownups are f*cking old and their lives are over…
So you’re going to live in a world with only young people I see
As long as there’s one person older than me, I’m still young.
Ha I like that
I’m the complete opposite, I’m an old man. I’ve been an old man for about 8 years now I’m almost 40. My friends either disagree with me or piss them off (if they’re older than me) when I say, “I’m old”.
My plan is to live forever. So far, so good.
could you bother to share some tips, like the perfect brand to get the anti aging vaccines from, or that super duper bone density improvement kit. The brands i have been looking at at really expensive, the last one i tried was asking 127 quintillion, plus taxes. PLUS TAXES! those cheapskates
Eating garbage and not exercising has worked so far for me, YMMV.
haven’t died once yet!
Crazy how nature do that.