Which fold iteration was that on? It is after all, a screen that folds in half, there are bound to be kinks. But I feel as those major kinks have been mostly worked out. At least on the Pixel foldy series, I can’t speak for Samsung because I hate Samsucks, but they’re on what the 7th iteration now? Most major issues should have subsided
Glad we’re finally moving away from the featureless black rectangle era, might even pick up a foldable once the price drops.
Right‽ Lmao, for years:
Everyone: The slab is so boring! Why can’t they just innovate!
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!
Holly shit, I didn’t know that interrobang symbol existed in utf-8.
Uhm aktshually 🤓 utf-8 is an encoding, you mean Unicode.
yes, my mistake.
I like innovation, but i had 15 different people in my circle with a folding phone from Samsung and they all had constant issues.
Innovation does need to be good imo.
Which fold iteration was that on? It is after all, a screen that folds in half, there are bound to be kinks. But I feel as those major kinks have been mostly worked out. At least on the Pixel foldy series, I can’t speak for Samsung because I hate Samsucks, but they’re on what the 7th iteration now? Most major issues should have subsided