• My judgement of Biden’s impairment level is: were someone to play chess against him, about once per game he would do what looks like ‘a noob mistake’ caused by his brain not making the connection correctly on a threatening piece. aka he would move on to a threatened square as if not seeing an opposing piece. In chess that means a good opponent would capitalize on it and Biden would lose. But as president, if his team is good enough, they can cover for him. Since he isn’t strokes or ms level, he could still be a functional president; which he was. Definite agree he shouldn’t be president again tho since he will just get worse and 4 years is a long time.

    so tho tons of dramatic news and focus on mental competence, I don’t see anything particularly wrong about what happened nor how things are now. People with that minor level of “age related cognitive decline” can still be awesome and strategic geniuses that have cultivated themselves in to someone better than ‘youngins’. No opinion on whether that is true of Biden, but just sayin.

    imo him running initially was fine and also him not running again is appropriate.