“A few days later, DFCS presented Patterson with a “safety plan” for her to sign. It would require her to delegate a “safety person” to be a “knowing participant and guardian” and watch over the children whenever she leaves home. The plan would also require Patterson to download an app onto her son’s phone allowing for his location to be monitored. (The day when it will be illegal not to track one’s kids is rapidly approaching.)”
I would have thought a red state like Georgia would not have what they call “Nanny state” laws? I’d like to see the actual wording of the “reckless conduct” law they would be charging her under. Does it actually specify how, when and where your children can go unsupervised and what ages of children it applies to, or do the cops just get to “use their own judgement”?
edit to add: I feel sorry for kids growing up today and apparently in the last 20 years or so. When I was a kid our mothers just said “Be back by supper” and we went out and played wherever. they didn’t know where we were. No cell phones to track us.
Often enough even we didn’t know where we were going. Or where we were. Some creek, forest, who knows. We’d go home once hungry.
ding ding ding ding ding
We have a winner.
Republicans love that shit. They hate regulation that stops large faceless coporations from deatroying the environment or working their employees to death but they can’t get enough of controlling everyone who isn’t like them.
In this case I really can’t tell what it is they want to control, though, besides maybe a small community harrassing someone they don’t like for reasons we don’t know?
If you think Republicans aren’t the party of surveillance and authoritarianism then you must have never looked at any policy ever written by one.
Meanwhile, in ‘Commie-fornia’, I regularly see kids that age riding on the (public, not school) bus alone. And when I lived in New York I’d see them on the subway. Not the slightest bit unusual in the early afternoon when school lets out.
But conservatives are terrified of their neighbors, for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can’t blame them. Most conservatives in the USA are unstable, gun wielding nuts.
You see, that’s because New York is a safe neighborhood. But that small ass town in Georgia? Full of unimaginable terrors. Most of them wear uniform.
At 6 I was taking transit. With my older sister who was 11.
When I lived in San Diego I literally took the city bus to school. And so did a lot of other students (not just at my school). There were times the drivers didn’t know the stops so I’d have to tell them they passed it.