It’s on a weekly release schedule, so only the first episode released today. Has anyone been watching this series? Did you watch the new episode? What do you think of all of it so far?
I think the series is fantastic in so many ways - concept, writing, acting, directing, cinematography, production design, music. I usually avoid watching series these days, but this show really has me hooked. I was hoping to discuss it a bit here since I haven’t found much about it on Lemmy yet. I figured that this would be a favorite with a lot of people here.
If you mention details about the story, please don’t forget to add spoiler masks and alerts.
Severance is an absolutely incredible premise, and each of the actors are perfect for their roles. I doubt the casting staff could have done any better with the choices they made. The Easter egg (if you want to call it that) in the first episode of season two is breathtaking, as soon as you realize that it is what you think it is.
Severance and Silo could probably rival Lost as far as storylines that could carry the shows for a long time.
What’s the easter egg?
A voice.
Hmm, I must have missed this easter egg, unless you mean the “H” theory.
It’s an uncredited cameo appearance in the form of a voice.
Got it, thanks. I thought maybe that was what you were referring to. Do you think that it has plot implications, or did it take your breath away because of who it was?
“Breathtaking” is a reference to who it is.
Cool, thanks again.
Isn’t Silo just the screen version of the Wool books?
Yep, it’s based on the book series. It does deviate from the source material in some ways, as do most adaptions, but the major story beats are (and most certainly will be) the same.
I feel the same way about Severance!
I’m a little hyped about it. I really enjoyed the first season. I’m afraid second season is going to be a slower one with too much filler, but I’ll probably enjoy it as well.
I hope it doesn’t happen. This is one of my biggest pet peeves with most series, when they stretch the story so thin trying to milk it forever, and the main reason why I generally only watch series after they’ve finished running and are still very highly rated. Severance I think is the first exception for me in many years (decades?), so I hope they don’t disappoint me. So far I’m not feeling that. It seems that there’s a lot in store for us. I saw someone on another site comment that Dan Erickson had mentioned that the story was planned to play out over 4 to 6 seasons (or was it 3 to 6)?
Imo “The Good Place” is an example of a series that did it right. They had an easy setup to just keep the formula, but instead every season they changed the setting and moved forward. I hope Severence manages a similar standard. I think Silo somewhat fell into this trap for the second season, but was still very good.
Silo season 2 spoiler
If i remember correctly compared to the books they spent way more time in the first Silo and the rebellion, which took out some momentum.
Omg cannot wait to watch it. Severance is one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen.
Agreed! These days I try to only watch super highly rated shows after they have ended, like The Sopranos, The Wire, and Breaking Bad, but I’m glad I fell for this one at this time.
Very different type of show, but, I highly recommend Ted Lasso. Very light, lots of fun inside jokes, smart and quality relationships.
That waffled a bit though.
Similarly the Bear had a boring season this year because it got stretched out. Victims of their own success.
Bear was awful this season.
I’m not a sports person so I thought I would hate Ted lasso, but I found the first season very entertaining even though I watched it dubbed in another language that I’m learning!!
Nice. Definitely more than a “sports show”. Enjoy!
Thanks, I’ve heard good things about that one too.
I’m gonna reserve my judgement on that one until it is completet, but it certainly was one of the strongest first seasons ever. But i am somewhat scarred from Westworld that started equally strong and maintain the quality.
I liked it but Jesus it was drawn out. They could have done the last season in like 4 episodes
Haha, coming from being in the process of watching the original Dark Shadows series from the very beginning (pre-Barnabas), you have no idea how drawn out a show can be. I like the pacing of the first season of Severance.
i watched s2e1 yesterday and it was a boring getting-the-gang-back-together.
i have high expectations for season 2 but…
Yeah, I felt a little bit like that, but I think it was necessary for the story, and I think it adds a bit to the mysteries. It also had a lot of good new clues.
Note that spoiler tags don’t always work. It depends on your client.
If you haven’t seen S2E1 and don’t want spoilers, turn back now.
Thank you, I didn’t know.
Thank you brilliant sir!
S1 and S2 E1 spoilers
Do we think Helly R is actually her outtie? She could be the innie and just nervous to tell MDR she is an Eagan. I’m very excited about this.
I am excited too. May even have to rewatch the new/first episode.
S1 and S2 spoilers
I personally think that it is her outie. I had that theory soon after she lied, just based on that alone, but the other forum site that shall not be named has a list of clues that were dropped in favor of this theory, from the way she walks to the way she talks and a bunch of other things.
Literally rewatching season 1 with a family member as I type this. It may just be the best show I’ve ever seen. I’m excited to discuss once I watch the new episode!
Let’s do it! Maybe I’ll cross post to [email protected] like @Blaze suggested.
Holy hell 3 years already fml. Let’s go!
Edit: to answer the prompt some, I really enjoyed season 1 and have not seen any of the new content and was not aware that it was dropping
I’m glad that this helped you be aware that it had dropped!
This is amazing–thank you for this news!! I have been waiting so long that i forgot to check if it finally came back. Season 1 was one of the best shows I’ve seen in years and i really hope they continue on the path they were forging
You’re welcome! I feel the same way.
Really enjoyed the first season, I might watch it again before starting on the new ones.
We like to rewatch the last episode of the previous season prior. Helps freshen our minds on where things left off.
There are also recaps of the whole first season from Apple themselves and from others on YouTube, in case you’re short on time.
For sure. I had only watched bits of the first season as my wife was watching it, so had to go back and rewatch the whole thing with her when they made it free on Roku, just ahead of the new season dropping.
Feel free to crosspost to [email protected] , it’s a more active community than this one. Also, we’re always looking for mods there, so feel free to apply (link in the sidebar)
Thanks for letting me know! I missed that one because I kept searching for communities with “TV” in the name. 😄
Who are you?
The last season had terrible pacing, loving it now, concept was always cool
I didn’t have any issues with the pacing, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it now.