A not so funny story on a similar vein: roughly a week after my parent’s friends of a couple decades agreed to be named as our guardians, the husband announced, on April 1st, he was getting a divorce.
It wasn’t a terrible joke, he just chose the most inappropriate time to announce it.
He did get the raw end of that divorce in court though, the judge really didn’t like him after he brought his mistress to court.
Why would he bring the judges mistress to court? That seems a bit weird, doesn’t it?
I mean could be a valid distraction in the courtroom. Was obviously enough of a distraction in the marriage.
My brother knocked up his girlfriend when they were teenagers. They hid the pregnancy (not very well IMO but apparently our parents were clueless). As fate would have it, they had the baby on April Fool’s Day. My dad was on vacation in Hawaii at the time, so my brother called him to let him know he was a grandparent. Awkward…