Cracker Barrel’s CEO faces an uphill battle to revive the restaurant chain after a blunt admission sent stock prices plummeting 20 per cent.

    4 months ago

    The simplified menu now features-

    Simplified menus are why Panera Bread now sucks. A hedge fund bought them, decided they could save a small percentage by dropping their turkey distributor, so they dropped the Turkey Bacon Bravo, their most popular sandwich, from the menu. The same thing happened to Dunks, which is why ham is no longer available on breakfast sandwiches. This is the stage capitalism we’re at; destroying popular goods and services to squeeze a few cents of temporary profits out for shareholders.

    4 months ago

    I’ve frequented Cracker Barrel’s since I was very little. And it’s a family tradition to always stop at one to eat on long road trips.

    It’s gone downhill, and it started happening well ahead of COVID.

    • Every server used to be an old southern person. They cared about their job, and proudly wore “stars” on their apron to represent their seniority. They were engaging, sweet, and often interesting to talk to. These days, I usual just see teenagers, or people who act like they are working there as a condition of their probation. I assume this reflects poor / eroded pay.

    • A long standing “benefit” at Cracker Barrel has been the unlimited biscuits and cornbread that come with every meal. They used to bring out a huge basket of them - enough for everyone to have 3-4 - often as soon as you sat down. So good. These days, I usually have to ask for them. They usually seem to stall and only bring them with the food. And there is usually only 1 (maybe 2) per person.

    • Similar to above, the portion size of just about every meal has shrunk over time.

    • I know people that used to work there. All the food was either cooked to order or hand prepped and cooked that morning. There was pride in making the food fresh, and not letting it get old, cold, and stale. I’m not sure what they are doing now, but it seems like the quality is way down. It more often seems old, cold, and stale. I’m guessing the cooks aren’t paid very well anymore either.

    So, I think this CEO has it all wrong. My guess is she’s going to turn it into another Applebee’s that gets some attention for a while for being new and interesting. Then, in a few years, it goes out of business.

    4 months ago

    The cracker boss man done fucked up. Some new barrels for the crackers should do it. They’ll even have loyal cracker programs.

    “cracker” is a term used for slave owners on horseback ‘cracking the whip’ on the backs of slaves. Possibly analogous to a modern CEO that pays slave wages. Like half minimum wage to server staff.

      4 months ago

      “Cracker Barrel” refers to 19th century rations. The Cracker was a shelf stable hard-tack biscuit and they were packed into barrels or boxes for transport. You would have encountered hard tack in the military or as a poverty food.

      There is a story about General Lee and Jackson meeting before Chancellorsville while sat on these boxes called the “Crackerbox Meeting”

      I don’t think the name is related to the anti-white pejorative.