Its about the 50501 (peaceful) protests
That has to be bait. There’s no way anyone could be that ignorant…right?
I’d say the gaslighting is the point.
Thats the entirety of r/conservatives top posts
You forgot to include the rest his comment. And the 2.3k most up voted answer right beneath.
"Sure, some of us may have committed some light treason, but they’re saying mean things on the internet!"
If the phrase “light treason” didn’t already exist before Arrested Development, I think it’s got to be one of that show’s greatest cultural contributions.
That, and this gif
The one where he walks in the door, chucks his bag, and flops face first in the ground!
That one!
How can you admit you side took over the capital building and tried to disrupt the election and still remain on that side.unbelievable.
Do those 12 turds mean what I hope they do, which is that 12 people went out of their way to call bullshit on this post?
Honestly no idea, haven’t been on reddit since… Well, since I took the screenshot, but like activly not for a while now.
They are the new awards. People paid real money to put them there.
It’s a mix. It’s about the protests, but also right wing media has been focused on reddit posts from “the left” calling for violence in recent days.
Manufacturing concent for violence against us I would assume.
As if the right is any better for the calls to violence.
For sure. They’re doing the whole pearl clutching thing as if anything is going to actually happen too. It’s all just venting on “our side” from powerless people who feel like they can’t change anything.
How many millions of guillotine posts have there been in the last God knows how many years already. I don’t see any violence actually happening
Hmmm…I am trying really hard to remember what happened when Biden won. There’s a word for it and it begins with “c”. Co-op? Cooties? Something like that. I’m sure it is unimportant.
Gosh, I remember a whole lot of violence, threats, and other related crimes.
Jan 6.