Get home from a work trip and go into a deep introvert-recharge cycle. Lots of sleep. Solo hobbies and comfort foods. The most socializing I will do is asynchronous texting with two particular people, everyone else is getting ignored for a couple days.
[email protected] has a weekly similar thread on Fridays
Nice thanks for sharing
36 hours of work through the weekend. I’ll try to sneak my guitar when it’s slow and organize my To-Do list that’s a mile long.
Realistically I’ll probably just doomscroll and get into political arguments…
Goin to an underground rave on Friday, after party on Saturday, chilling on Sunday with a nice walk through te forest and dinner with some friends.
I bought a house, so I’ll be moving all my stuff over
That’s huge. Congratulations!
Portland Winter Lights Festival, assuming we don’t get snowed in. :(
There is a new version of OpenWRT to install. Also the dog I will dog sit for in June is coming over to visit and meet my cats.
Autocross on Saturday and a Lego convention on Sunday! Very excited.
Damn. Sounds like a good weekend!
I’m hoping to book a pedicure for me and my boyfriend with a gift card he got me ages ago. Feeling like I’m starting to get sick though so might not be able to do it :( We could really use a little spa day.
My brother’s visiting for the first time since he moved abroad last year. The siblings and myself are all getting together at our folks to shatter their well earned peace and quiet.
I missed the lanky git.
Nice! Enjoy
Monster Hunter wilds has a beta test this weekend! I’ll be playing that, cooking for the week, and do a little lamentation over the current state of everything.
The usual weekend.
I hope to get started on my new computer desk at home…
I have a gigantic corner office desk at home, it has ten legs takes up a fifth of my livingroom and is falling apart.
I have a two meter wide motorized undercarriage for a desk that I just need to get a tabletop for.
The desk will be the ultimate in home office desks.
I am talking a computer holder under the table, cable management hanging shelves holes for cable management through the desk, space for three 27" 1440p monitors, even more space for an electronics/soldering/work area and cool lights.
Possibly start packing for my move to a new city for work. Either that or lie in bed and play on my phone.
Nothing, I’m unemployed.
Hoping to record a bit of music, but I have some work and studying to get done first. I’m also going to do a test run of a cookie recipe so that the actual batch can definitely be good for the people I’m giving that to. The fact that I get to eat all the test cookies is a completely coincidental benefit