Don’t know how you guys feel about comparisons to Star Trek but I thought this was interesting.

Also, Mods … if this kind of post is not allowed, I don’t mind it being taken down.

I’ve only watched about half of all Star Trek content with series and movies and animations. I thought I had years of content to watch in the future … but after hearing about other series from other people over the years, through comments in this community and through lists like this Youtube video … I think I’ll be spending the rest of my life watching scifi, the majority of which will be Star Trek.

    1 month ago

    Firefly was too wonderful for the for-profit TV media to handle - definitely we would have enjoyed more, but just as definitely that was never going to be allowed under those conditions.


    This update of the late-1970s programme takes a decidedly darker tone…

    Yeah, I’ll say.:-) Especially that one where they encourage rape - shudder. I can’t recall Stat Trek ever hitting that hard? More impactfully, sure, bc Capt. Picard was a freaking role model of leadership, as too were Kirk, Sisko, and… well… no, not Janeway:-).

    Remember to persist through Babylon 5 - you won’t be disappointed, at least not in the long-term, although you might not enjoy every moment of every episode either. Unlike Enterprise though, it will be worth it (hey-oooh!:-P).