What did people eat?
A fuck ton of bread.
Each other. Long pig was the meat of choice in Europe before 1491.
No French fries and no ketchup for your no french fries. 😭
No French Belgians for you
Cabbage and dirt bread Europe forever!
You say potato, I say tomato.
This is true
It was interesting to learn that tomatoes weren’t European with how heavily they’re used.
The best things to cook with aren’t from Europe; Garlic, Onion, Cinnamon, Peppers.
Ketchup is the biggest tho imo, not an ingredient but still
There are native versions of garlic in Europe, but yeah, it’s true, especially for the middle to northern parts. There were always delicous herbs to use as spices in the south, though, like oregano.
I didn’t know Northern Ireland had a sea moat in 1491(!)
Those pesky academics covering up Tartarian history again!
Tiocfaidh ár lá!
Denmark too!
Dan, please.
Morea & achea have the hexamilion moat & crimea’s just launched out to sea