Hello all! I began working today, where the work is closely related to programming. Despite this, the work computer is set up as Windows (eww). I want to look for work-arounds, as installing linux on a work machine is a no-go.
I wonder, what is the way to minimize pain from having to use windows? Either that, or a way to maximize work done on linux-like stuffs. A linux server is given for us, and I think I can install WSL. Any recommendations on this setup?
Especially, I miss the virtual desktop feature, is there any way to use it? Is there a way I can run compositor through WSL? Also, should I install Pop! OS for the feature, or is it available on e.g. Ubuntu (default WSL)?
Sorry to ask a non-exclusively-linux question, but I think, hopefully, many linux people have experience to give me pointers what to do with a windows work environment.
EDIT: The Windows is Windows 10. EDIT: It seems like using WSL is servicable, while being janky at times. Gotta see how it goes.
Podman desktop
What kind of programming work are you doing?
I’ve thought about situations like yours and what I would do if I were in that situation someday. For me, the plan is to try doing as much in the console as possible, which means Vim/Neovim for development and Tmux for window management.
A virtual machine with Linux might be an option or Remote Desktop to a linux machine.
If its just about virtual desktops:
Windows 11 has that, i think win+ctrl+d creates a new one and win+ctrl+left arrow/right arrow scrolls through the desktops.
with that Docker and WSL(because powershell confuses me, and iam to lazy to learn it) i work pretty much the same as i would on a linux machine with a non-tiling window manager.
Thanks, sadly the setup is windows 10, so I guess no tiling for me :/
i remember powertoys offering tiling for win10
Windows terminal for starters. Windows has virtual desktops built in.
Windows virtual desktops are not what I would call a good experience. I personally would just use the task bar to switch between Windows.
What virtual desktops do you prefer? I don’t find Mac OS’s significantly better, and I haven’t spent much time with very many Linux window managers other than i3 (and that was years ago).
I don’t use virtual desktops on Windows since they are so poorly implemented. I just use the task bar.
Gnome and KDE both have solid virtual desktop implementations. (gnome especially) I use the tools that I have available at the time.
What’s wrong with the Windows one, and/or what’s better about Gnome’s or KDE’s?
How do I use windows virtual desktop?
Win + Tab.
Citrix… I use my Linux setup to remote into my work laptop work for work… It allows me to have my standard Linux workflow while having access to my work stuff and not putting that anywhere locally.
I really dislike the implementation of virtual desktops in Windows compared to say Plasma, but it is there, and it gets the job done. I realize this doesn’t solve your other problems.
Win10 similar.
Thanks, I will look into it.
I want to look for work-arounds
It’s not your computer, i highly recommend you ask for permission.
Especially, I miss the virtual desktop feature,
SysInternals has that feature (Desktops specifically) you can use for Windows 10 (and i think it’s native on 11). This is a common feature in most Linux distros…
What i do is work mostly on VirtualBox VMs, but had to have clearance from IT for that (and for USB) 'cos i do all kinds off stuff that triggers their normie warnings.
I see, I will note myself to ask permission about these stuffs. Thanks!
@someacnt X410, a X server Windows app should work fine with a WSL2.
What exactly are you trying to get around? The question is kinda broad.
If your issue is your program behaving differently or being hard to set up depending on the OS, a common strategy is Docker.
PS: why is your employer forcing you to use old Windows that’s going to go end-of-life basically tomorrow morning? That’s odd.
They said they work at a university…
Universities tend to be fans of outdated software?
A few years ago a pretty big state university I worked at didn’t use any kind of NAT. They had such a large public network space(a lot of universities do) that they would just give hosts public IPs. You could go home and just RDP into your desktop. Universities can be a wild wild west.
They are very slow to change
Programming on Windows can be totally fine, if you’re working with a language that cares about Windows support. E.g. in my experience:
- Good: Rust, Go, C#, Java, Deno, Dart
- Okish: Python, C++, Node
- Bad: Perl, OCaml
If it’s in the “bad” category I would recommend installing WSL and using VSCode’s remote feature that lets you have a Windows copy of VSCode connect to WSL.
Install Microsoft Powertoys, and AltSnap
Chocolatey and Windhawk
Powertoys, Chocolatey and Wintoys are pretty useful to make windows at work less painful xD
I think, hopefully, many linux people have experience to give me pointers what to do with a windows work environment
Windows people would have much more experience. Try [email protected] ?
Why aren’t you discussing this with your leadership?
If you’re doing Linux dev work, there must be a reason your team is using Windows, and they have process around dev tasks. And your team must have process/tools for what your role does.
This seems very much like an internal discussion around what your team does.
I see, I gotta talk about it with the leadership. For context, my work is just a small university lab (5~20 people), so I expect it to be less organized.
Actually, it’s pretty surprising to me that a small university lab is forcing a specific version of a specific OS on you.
I see; it is not forcing per se, it’s just that the computer comes with Windows pre-installed, and I am worried that changing it will cause more issues than it’s worth.
What are you doing? Why do you need Linux at all?
I tried at my job. Basically the IT guys are too incompetent and don’t know how to manage Linux computers.
But the company had to be able to have control over what users install, they must also have a VPN and proxy set up in a way that they can monitor what employees do or what they browse. They currently use Zscaler.
Or they are simply overworked like most IT teams.
Managing Linux devices is more complicated since it was very poor Intune and GPO support so you basically have to have another separate system for that.
We only have Linux workstations at work because a dev outside IT, setup their own Linux platform and does it support it. IT support won’t help with any problems though.
The only way Linux workstations are officially supported is that they have certificates for 802.1x.
If the person that supports the Linux platform quits I’m not sure anyone else could take up the task. The Linux sysadmins might but I doubt they have the time for that.
A few people also setup their own Linux computers and abused a flaw in the 802.1x. implementation that allowed them to use Ethernet with a username and password instead of a certificate. That is fortunately fixed now.
Yeah that’s a good point.
The thing with our organization is they selected technologies that are simply not compatible with Linux. Even using WSL is complicated.
It’s dumb because the vast majority of the tasks I do and the technologies I work with is almost exclusively made to work on Linux or requires a Linux VM to work.
+1 for bringing it up as serious discussion.
The last time I had to ask permission for something like this, the issue turned out to be simply that the IT staff wasn’t trained in Linux and therefore couldn’t support it. I was more than capable of administering my own Linux box and ensuring that it wouldn’t become a risk to our company network, so we agreed that I would do that.
It was a win-win result: I had the tool I needed to be most productive, and IT had fewer machines to support.
Sounds more like a win-lin result to me.
My boss lets me remote into a Linux VM hosted on a company server. You could just use a normal VM.
When people complain about Windows in a work environment, I wonder really what their complaints are. I mean I don’t like windows either but at the end of the day you’re just using visual studio and maybe a terminal emulator to access your work. Your codebase is on a test server or production server.
That said, my mind was blown when I used my first mac. Even the best windows laptop I’ve been given at work would maybe last 4 hours without charging. I can use my Mac for almost two days without charging it which makes going to the office that much easier when I can sit outside. I don’t know if Windows is just extremely inefficient with its resource management or of it’s all the bullshit spyware companies bloat every PC with but if the company absolutely won’t let you install a Linux desktop OS I’d just ask for a Mac. Plenty of staff use them at universities
If you are used to your custom tiling window manager, you are less productive on Windows. Additionally, you have an increased anger level due to all the Windows annoyances.