Ah so Finnster is continuing to be one of those people who thinks being or liking femininity as an AMAB person is a ““sign””. For context Finn made a Tiktok a while back saying they believed femboys wouldn’t exist because they’d all be trans, and that butch lesbians don’t exist anymore because “they’re all trans”.
I’ll never understand why they pivoted like this, they know how this crap feels, they lived through it. How can they do it to others in good conscience?
(Nothing against you OP by the way, this specifically criticizes that regressive behavior from Finnster.)
It was super cringe when she said that, although they’ve been too busy making an ass of themselves in other ways. It screams of her having trouble with her own gender identity, as F1nn still struggles to define themselves. That TikTok was a clip from a stream a while ago, and due to serious mental health struggles, she hasn’t streamed lately.
Yeah that was really cringe and not a good look for them. It’s too bad that they’re struggling with mental health and I hope they get better but I still really wish they wouldn’t say such awful and invalidating things about femboys and butch lesbians. Those things end up being hurtful both to GNC people as well as trans people who are GNC and invalidates their identities.
I feel like since Finn’s gender and pronouns are “don’t/care” and they have autism, she might not have pondered those experiences before making these statements and just said something off the cuff.
That said, I don’t follow him too closely so my read on her might be wrong.
Wait so “doing it for the lulz” was just a ruse?
she was a spiky egg