I’m placed top 4% for FaH
There’s also a list here, though last updated in 2020: https://distributedcomputing.info/projects.html
Most of those projects remain active in some form.
I was going to mention ArchiveTeam’s warrior because I thought it wouldn’t be listed, since computing isn’t really the important thing you’re donating, more your virgin IP address and internet connection… but it’s third on the list!
They’re all kind of old, though. Most of the active ones seem like 5-10 years old. Are there any recent new projects?
And are the projects from like 2009 still feasable? I mean both argorithms and compute hardware in the datacenters of those universities may have made leaps forwards since then?
I mean, during COVID, the folding@home network was the most powerful ‘datacentre’ in the world by quite a margin.
Home computing leaps almost as fast as the data centres do.
That’s a good question.
From what I’ve gathered from my recent experience of running tasks, the project might have started years ago, but they are still offering tasks to be completed.
Einstein@Home does pulsar and (continuous) gravitational wave research. They have some long-running pulsar projects, which still find new pulsars getting published, and continuous gravitational wave research usually has a new project every 6-12 months.
The algorithms are improving all the time, and so do the volunteer computers.
This time of year I take the computer running my home NAS and move it to my bedroom and set up BOINC. Literally keeps the room 7-10 degrees (F) warmer.
It’s also about the same electric-to-thermal efficiency as a regular space heater, so if that’s how you heat, there’s no reason not to.