What does it mean “got a line”?
People would normally say ‘I got someone on the other line’ when referring to call waiting. They shortened the saying for the meme, or I’m old and new generations shortened it. IDK.
Yeahhhh american values out the window.
as an Appalachian, let me say this:
i hate jd vance. i hate everything about him. i hate the way that he walk, the way that he talk, the way that he dress. i even hate when he says “hillbilly”. some shit just cringeworthy, it ain’t even gotta be deep i guess.
this dude profits on my people’s pain and claims to be of us when he could not more clearly be an Outsider. like… if he knew even the first thing about Appalachia, which he doesn’t, because there has been a century long effort to erase our history for us, and he grew up far from us and had no chance of ever learning the truth, he’d know a Jewish Ukrainian is an embodiment of multiple aspects of our shared cultural roots.
like. this dude is bullying his cousin because the thing that forced his ancestors off their homeland in europe is paying him money. this greedy fucking bastard is selling out his own people and his cousins for a paltry sum. to reiterate: he claims us, but he is not of us. the way he talks about us is hurtful, and the way he speaks to our closest international cousins is straight up bullshit. dude is straight up evil and doesn’t even show the savvy to be good at being evil
I don’t know why JD Vance is talking. He has absolutely no authority or power as the vice president . And since he clearly has no idea what he’s talking about it’s better for everyone if he just shuts the fuck up .
My two cents
As weird as it was, he was trying to move the
conversationyelling forward. Trump was an old man yelling at a cloud, Vance was an asshole yelling at zelensky.this is who he is. he speaks out of turn. he does not speak honestly. he does not tell stories that connect him to culture, only stories that divorce him of it. he does not self deprecate. why doesn’t he do any of this? because he is not of us. he doesn’t act like us. he acts like hurtful hollywood stereotypes of who we are is who we are. his understanding of what appalachia is comes less from Union Maid, Solidarity Forever, The Pines, bell hooks, and Nikki Giovanni and more from beverly hillbillies and the andy griffith show (and he doesn’t understand that the andy griffith show came from another era and acts as a snapshot of how we were perceived at one time, it’s a packaging of our suffering for some petty cash, not a fucking documentary)
As Quillll says, its because he’s a bully, a malignant, manipulative narcissist.
But also, another element is the way that fascists don’t ever let up on ‘campaigning’, ie, demagoguery.
Remember how it was very strange that Trump was basically campaigning for himself, pretty much for the entirety of Biden’s term?
American Presidential political campaign seasons are notorious for being horrendously long compared to actual functioning democracies, where its often no longer than 2 months.
EDIT (I somehow accidentally a sentence): //
Even for longer US campaigns… its historically more like 6 to 9 months. Not… 3 to 4 years.
Well, the traditional role a VP plays in a US Presidential campaign is to be a sort of attack dog, someone who is a bit more cutting, blunt, rude or direct in terms of expressing the President’s platform, countering its critics.
So, when you go from neocon to full fascist, you’re explicitly campaigning all the time, even while in office.
Vance’s job is to be a 24/7, professional gaslighting bully. Its why they picked him.
His job is to be the perpetually offended and offensive ‘best friend’ of the leader of a Mean Girls style clique of entitled, bratty popular girls in high school.
I saw a video saying we should miss name him like that Benedict comeback meme because it would really annoy him. So I’ve started calling him dumb names that rhyme: Just wear Pants or Jingle Dance
Personally I say we deadname JD Vance, call him James Bowman, deadname transphobes, it’s morally correct.
refusing to name these people genuinely helps stripping them of the power of constant mental presence, which they benefit from
Genocide, slavery, patriarchy, etc? They seem to be doing fine.
America, as we have all known her, is dead.
I’m a transwoman who’s always felt like a stranger in her own hometown. I’ve never known an America that did anything but claim to be about freedom and strongarm people who were dumb enough to believe them.
How did you know her? I knew her as terrorisor of the middle east and I’m pretty sure that’s still true.
For me she was a bully and destroyer of anyone at home and abroad who tried to build a decent socialist society so they could steal resources and who gaslit us into thinking “capitalism is the best system we’ve got”.
Enjoy your Chinese hegemony. I’m sure it’ll be grand.
Don’t you guys call this ‘whataboutism’? Anyways, I’m less concerned with China than the US since China hasn’t dropped a single bomb in decades while the US drops dozens a day in the middle east.
I mean, they invaded Tibet and have been genociding the Uyghers. There isn’t a “good” side in the bunch.
i agree with you, but china is just as ugly
China testing missiles is really not comparable to the US bombing the Middle East dozens times a day.
im sorry but i think you are misunderstanding the pacific geopolitical play here.
i am just weary that any super power is going to fuel instability in strategic locations.
also i didnt compare it to the middle east, was just correcting the fact that china ‘has not bombed in decades’
The US is the largest cause of instability in literally every region in the world. Just because you’re afraid of another country taking over the role of destabilising other countries does not mean you should defend the US doing it. It’s the same excuse Israeli’s use to genocide the Palestinians ‘because otherwise the Palestinians will genocide us back’. It’s a standpoint that’s based purely on racism, not on facts.
I’m saying you have no choice. It’s us or China. Cold hard facts. You’re fucked. We all are. You’re more fucked than you were before.
Choose your god, people. There can be only one. Hail USA!
It’s just reality. You’re fucked.
No, you are. You’re American. The rest of the world is going to be fine without American bombs dropping all over it.
China existing does not excuse any US crimes, and that’s what my comment was about after all.
What a baby back bitch comment. How do you think the Middle East has been enjoying American hegemony? You think it’s cool to have American bombs dropped on your children?
Americans are such pussies. They have ALL THE SMOKE for any other nation, but refuse to acknowledge or even consider that America does MORE. You said it yourself, America is the hegemon, and look at the state of the world.
This is why Trump wins, patriotism and blind support like you have.
Why does trump make the dumbest fucking faces. My lord the US is screwed(not because of the trump faces, but because….well, this)
He thinks he looks serious and impressive.
Apparently he reeks of shit and ketchup. I’m starting to think he is aware of his own stench at all times….
he thinks it looks cool
What happened here? This image went over my head.
You don’t need to make phony memes about tyrants loving Trump.