My father got big into that show. Destroyed his ability to hold a conversation, because Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. You. Say. To. Him. "Reminds me of this thing that happened on Big Bang Theory where Sheldon…
He’s got a litany of shitty sitcoms he can’t just fucking stop with. “Character says something.” laugh track “Well other character says sumn else!” laugh track. “Maternal and/or love interest character walks across room, touches character’s arm, says something about feelings.” canned manufactured pindrop silence “Character says sumn else!” laugh track
My father got big into that show. Destroyed his ability to hold a conversation, because Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. You. Say. To. Him. "Reminds me of this thing that happened on Big Bang Theory where Sheldon…
He’s got a litany of shitty sitcoms he can’t just fucking stop with. “Character says something.” laugh track “Well other character says sumn else!” laugh track. “Maternal and/or love interest character walks across room, touches character’s arm, says something about feelings.” canned manufactured pindrop silence “Character says sumn else!” laugh track
Fuck your ventricles.