20 hours of overtime might actually make my wages liveable, but I usually get yelled at by HR or a manager for going anywhere above full-time.
20 hours of overtime might actually make my wages liveable, but I usually get yelled at by HR or a manager for going anywhere above full-time.
Carver, the Dead Space pustule keeps shooting projectiles at me, even in my dreams!
Decent idea, but the calculation is flawed based on the average US citizen income tax being ~14%. Why should excessive profits for the rich be only taxed 3%?
As long as everyone keeps a slab of corporate surveillance in their pocket that’s only a few clicks away from another purchase and endless emotional response, the rich will keep winning. Food, water, and bed be damned.
Finally, all it took was half a century of enforced good behavior to turn the barbarians that call themselves Germans into peaceful denizens of the world. Mostly.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut! And a broken clock-
Really adorable! Awesome work
Now show us Germany (or whatever it calls itself this century)
My biggest lore question was if the rest of them were annoying smartasses too
I’m sure that the intention of your comment is benevolent, but the greatest issue not addressed by it is that capitalist greed is relentless and now persists without mass consumption. Plastic pollution garbage gets manufactured to line up the shelves well before anyone even purchases it and tosses it away. Workers will be given the bare minumum to sustain their lives because there are a dozen or more other people willing to compete for the same job, for potentially even less. The combustible poison siphoned up from the earth will continue to be released into the atmosphere even if most people switch to battery-channeled transportation that will still break down and waste away its parts in the environment.
“You didn’t win correctly.” - Chess (The original Dark Souls-themed tactical grid-based roguelike war game)
I could really go for a bit of non-existence in this trying time.
The creature that looks like a man but shouldn’t be called a man.
Oh no step-reddit!