Just beause Russian Empire rebranded itself it ia still basically the same size with the same subjugated people. The same yakut people are still subjugated. The cataclysmic event you’re talking about is workers revolt. The other is the collapse where quite a bit of countries at least managed to escape. All we can hope is for the fall of russia and for other cultures to emerge.
Here is the common definition: Fascism - A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Even if you have 2 fascist countries, their goals and decisions are and usually is different.
And for consent. Look at bloody linux distros. Even if people actually want consent, it is basically impossible to achieve. Every expert will interpret it differently and you will have multiple narratives.
Ukraine had a national identity before Lenin, tho. Although the dude is/was ahead of it’s time. And the social idealism that follows looks pretty neat. Sadly he quickly died and another fella came to power. Usually when people bash USSR they bash Stalin’s regime. It’s far from socialist ideals. You shouldn’t mix it up and just nitpick what you like.
If people are subjugated and still remain under democratic rule, they can still be under repression, due to voting majority. It’s the same reason why Israel fears giving the vote access to palestinians.
You can try to follow Nazi fascism idea of fascism by following history notebooks. But it will get us nowhere. Without common definition that we have. Since for example Lithuania had a president which was with dictatorial levels of power during the time. He was not aligned with Nazi Germany. What kind of word would you use to describe the rule? There are reasons why fascism is defined like it is.
And dude, you can’t be racist against a country. You and I operate with completely different definitions. I doubt we’ll come to a conclusion. Would love to discuss it next to a beer, since it’s fascinating to find these so wildly difderent ideas. How do you even get to a point where you know so much but manage to draw completely different conclusions.
Ukrainians aren’t russian. Their language is different. Their culture is drastically different. Damn even regions inside Ukraine could count as different cultures.
For the split. It happened quite recently. I do recommend talking to people why they split and what was the common ideas on the streets back then from people who lived there. There were massive forced mixing in of Russians in those countries. Those people are usually the ones that still find as “it was better back then”.