What the FUCK, Apple?!
What the FUCK, Apple?!
No you’re thinking of the Secretary of Homeland Security. I hope.
On second thought, it’s a moot point.
Looks like. yeah.
republiQan women are okie-dokie with this.
It’s what tiny baby Jesus would want.
“It was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out . . and then refused to yield and fought with honor”
Oooo playing the deep cuts!
I understand the position that they were equally bad
I don’t. Every single day proves that over and over again. I understand being an idealistic young person with no practical experience, but in those situations the intelligent thing to do is to listen to people and not triple-down on the GRU playbook.
Those who are neither idealistic or young, who couldn’t be arsed to do the one thing that would have helped defeat fascism need to understand what a fuckup they are.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Leftytown.
Well, “we” arent’ but there’s a hype machine in operation bigger than anything in history because a few tech bros think they’re going to rule the world.
It’s been three weeks.
Yeah but we all know what rictal bristles are now!
And . . . some other stuff. Like the ends of the feathers and . . umm . . that owl with the eyeshadow.
How’s Ferguson doing
Surprisingly, yes
Aww poor screechie. That’s terrible. Feel better boss!
How many batteries does an SEO take?
I love reading things!
SC already agreed to eat shit in . . . 2020? 18? Whenever their last chance was.
okay, bye!