And probably digging impossible to cross two foot deep moat.
And probably digging impossible to cross two foot deep moat.
Also, one tiny rough 10 degree incline from being completely immobile.
I"m pulling for you Canada. Don’t do what the US did.
Well that money wasn’t for only Tesla charging stations. That’s your problem.
Honestly fuck these moderate assholes.
Sense pins are only there to inform the graphics card what the max power it can draw from the PSU, not for power management and load balancing. If someone from Nvidia misunderstood their own standard and made it past the CE, then it’s still excuses nothing since again it’s their own standard and has bad engineers or maybe they shouldn’t trust their AI to develop engineering specs for them.
Either way, it’s a bad design and a bad standard.
26% of adult Gen Zers owned a home in 2023, little changed from 2022. Meanwhile, the homeownership rate for millennials rose to 55% from 52%, and the rate for Gen X climbed to 72% from 70%.
Yeah, hence why I won’t ever donate a dime or volunteer for any Democrat. Just absolutely no fucking spine to do anything right. Him and Jefferies show how pathetic Democrats are.
I mean not really that far of from boomers.
I’ll bet a case of beer that China will pick up the slack in peddling soft power in this vacuum that this administration leaves behind.
This dude needs to watch some Frozen and take a lesson from Elsa.
You stupid fuckers made your choices, deal assholes.
And mind you that Jeffries just four days ago when asked by a reporter to what extent would Democrats would be willing to withhold votes to resist the upcoming budget bill, Jefferies answered with, and I’m paraphrasing, “What leverage do Democrats have? We just want to find a bipartisan solution to this budget battle and will work with Republicans to find common ground”.
Nothing but bullshit, weak tea words from this guy and no actions to back anything up.
It’s just a bad design and a bad standard.
Commenting without reading/viewing the source and blindly defending your team. Such MAGA-like behavior there.
When asked about what extent Democrats are willing to withhold votes to resist the Republicans, I sure as hell don’t expect a leader to throw up their hands and go all Ned Flanders parents and give up after trying nothing and then go on about more bipartisanship. Especially after making some clearly bullshit public claims they’ll do everything in their power to resist.
This is just weak ass, ineffective leadership and messaging that I’ve come to expect from Democrats so I really shouldn’t be surprised. But hey if you find this awe inspiring leadership, I guess go you.
I also want to be a ethical billionaire but we don’t get wishes, only votes and America wasted it in 2024 so good luck there guys.
Not surprising to say the least. Just have to wonder how bad will it get.
Edit: well that didn’t take long. https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-gaza-ceasefire-should-end-saturday-if-hostages-not-released-2025-02-10/
Oh come on you know damn well where it’s at.
Going to be skeptical until I see actual MSRP and gameplay benchmarks for both raster and RT.
Keep in mind that US customer will likely pay a at least 10% more due to stupid tariffs and we’re still need to see what the actual performance is.