Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.

troyunrau.ca (personal)

lithogen.ca (business)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I admire your optimism and I hope you’re correct. At least with the little “city commuters” it probably even makes sense. But lithium battery tech also continues to improve – so catching up with 2021 is great, but the goalposts keep moving.

    There will be an absolute limit coming from physics and chemistry, and lithium is a smaller, lighter ion. In the theoretical limits, it will absolutely be the winner.

    But from a practical perspective, if Na-ion becomes light enough and (more importantly) cheap enough, it will probably win the economic game in the longer term.

    Plus we can make Na-ion batteries in-situ elsewhere in the solar system without having to first finding concentrations of lithium – so high tech space industry stuff will likely more towards Na-ion, which will fund some development.

  • I’m actually surprised it has taken this long.

    What surprises me even more is that organized crime hasn’t gotten on board much (yet). Like, screw drive by shootings – drone dropped grenades on rival gangs and such.

    Or that drones haven’t been used for “school shooting” type mass casualty attacks.

    Or that foreign countries haven’t snuck in with a sea can full of drones which fan out and attack infrastructure.

    Imagine a cruise missile as a drone carrier that just scatters anti-personnel drones along a flight path, each just finding a person indiscriminately.

    If there’s anything that Ukraine is teaching us, it’s that we don’t have countermeasures (yet). The autonomous versions are even scarier.

  • As a former slackware aficionado, I’d have to say that the general mood of the users and development team was super chill. Hell, the name slackware comes from “slack”, the goal of the Church of the SubGenius. The whole thing is a meme that’s been going steady for decades.

    I had the privilege of meeting Patrick and much of the core Slackware group at the KDE 4.0 release party. They are all awesome.

    I can expect that users that tolerate the Slackware style are also those that are pretty laid back to begin with. Probably they were happier people already, and using slackware just vibes with them.