not helping lemmy’s extremist-leaning reputation guys

      4 months ago

      Disingenuous. The Lemmy users supporting doxing him aren’t leaving it at that. They aren’t even suggesting just protesting his house or otherwise acting legally. From the thread where he’s doxed:

      • “Hypothetically, if you’re selected for jury duty in a case like 'Someone murdered Nick Fuentes”, you can just say not guilty regardless of evidence or truth."
      • “Smash a different window every day.”
      • “sure would be a shame if someone dealt with him late at night, wouldn’t it? :)”
      • “Nazis deserve a lot worse than just getting doxxed”
      • “Can you tell me if fascists have ever been defeated peacefully?”
      • “In the immortal words of my grandfather’s friend, who was the second in command of a state’s Hell’s Angel chapter, anytime something happened, ‘You want me to take care of that for you?’”

      In this thread:

      • “‘Bold thing to say when your house is flammable’ A screenshot I saw somewhere”
      • “Yes, actually, there’s no obligation to extend the protections of the social contract to those actively attempting to destroy it.”

      Do you believe all those quotes are advocating legal things? We’re 4 days past the election and people are already talking vigilante violence.

        4 months ago

        I get your point but this is kind of a pro-punching-Nazis group of people and I don’t think you are likely to change many people’s minds lol

        4 months ago

        Sure - he might be actively pushing for a series of genocides, and he might be a significant recruitment tool to advance those genocides, but pushing back against the death of millions of people with anything more than colourful language would be immoral.

        Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.

          4 months ago

          Yeah, I’ve proven to be a real fan of Fuentes in other parts of this thread… Take off with the insults and assumptions. You think someone like Bernie Sanders wants Fuentes killed by a random civilian? I guess he’s a fascist too huh? Here’s what I actually oppose - blatantly illegal mob justice. Fuentes is a bastard, but that doesn’t justify some angry internet dude committing an act of premeditated murder. Are you going to kill everyone with an ideology you consider dangerous? While convinced it’s to prevent suffering no less. What about when, if Fuentes is killed for the things he says, the right makes him a martyr and example of how dangerous “the enemy within” is making America? What if the fellow countrymen who you so hate start killing you and people you support/care about in return? Is that your plan for a safe nation?

          It’s taken like 4 days post-election for people to escalate to calling for violence against everyone they consider Nazis. All in the name of ethics no less. I can empathize with the anger and feeling of helplessness. It’s still ridiculous and heart-breaking that less than a week after a loss there’s hundreds of upvotes for people pushing extrajudicial cold-blooded murder and violence in the name of righteousness. Unrepentantly so I might add.

          P.S. Don’t tell me the folks hinting at this crap aren’t talking about murder. Even if, and that’s a big if, they only meant beatings or the like that would degenerate into lethal violence basically immediately. You personally have already said you don’t want to use words alone.

            4 months ago

            No… Stop… Please? Niiiick? I said pleeeease…

            I use morality rather than legality to tell right from wrong. This is why I supported gay marriage a few years ago. My moral first principle is the minimisation of suffering and death. If someone is making headway toward killing tens of millions of people, I believe it’s immoral not to stop them, and while the suffering inflicted should be minimised, there’s not a lot that wouldn’t be justifiable if necessary to stop those tens of millions of deaths and all the suffering.

            To stand by and watch something like that play out because forceful intervention is uncivil is to be complicit with those atrocities.

              4 months ago

              It’s insane to think killing Fuentes is going to prevent tens of millions of deaths. For starters, even a lot of Republicans want little or nothing to do with him. 2nd, if he is so dangerous, do you think his followers (who you argue are capable of killing many millions) are just going to throw up their hands at his death and go “whelp, that finishes it for us”? They’ll become more hateful, and much more likely to become violent in return.

              Finally, what you are pushing for is very illegal. If you ever stop talking big and start doing, the most likely outcomes are you die or ruin your life. I’d say put up or shut up, but please don’t - vigilantism is wrong and I don’t want to see deaths or you and others suffering the outcomes even if I disagree with you. Worse, posts like yours might convince someone impressionable or less mentally stable to attack Fuentes and ruin their life instead because folks like you got angry. Plus the whole cascade of violence or even revenge killings situation.

                4 months ago

                You’ve said a lot while adding nothing.

                Again, the priority is minimising suffering and death - if Fuentes’ death amounts to a net increase in death and suffering, I don’t support it. If there is a solution to that leads to less net suffering and death, I don’t support his death. If it’s effective at stopping the deaths of tens of millions of people, I’d support it. My preferred solution would be to escalate charges, censure and imprisonment for his work to advance those genocides.

                What I will say is that:

                • Silencing the mouthpieces of genocide and the recruiters for genocide helps minimises the chances of the genocides,

                • Making contributing to genocide a dangerous affair helps minimise the chances of genocides.

                • Asking nicely doesn’t do a damn thing to minimise the chances of the genocides.

                Political violence is an inevitability - I’d rather it be minimised - sometimes a little violence stops a lot - this is why cops carry guns.

                Finally, what you are pushing for is very illegal.

                I’ve already said I’m guided by morality not legality, and I’m not pushing for anything specific beyond stopping about the most heinous act possible. I appreciate your concern, but the rest is noise.

                  4 months ago

                  Nothing? I addressed and rebutted your argument that your “there’s not a lot that wouldn’t be justifiable if necessary” (aka killing Fuentes) would prevent “tens of millions of deaths”. You seem to think “killing mouthpieces” is going to be some magical event that makes hateful people reconsider (as opposed to spurring them to violence of their own). Also, I’d like to add it’s ridiculous hyperbole - 3.8 million people are estimated to have died in the 20 years of the Vietnam war. Just over 900k died to violence in all the post 9-11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Finally, even if you don’t care about going to prison or dying, hopefully others reading will.

                  You go ahead and be “guided by morality not legality” while you do try to convince others extrajudicial violence is alright. All because you believe killing people outside the law, and getting people killed in return, is productive if you’re sure it’s right. You use the example of cops carrying guns, but they’re not under license to kill everyone they disagree with nor is it considered moral (since you don’t care about legality). Can you imagine if your example cops were guided by your principles, ignored law, and killed everyone they suspected might be a dangerous criminal on the chance it would reduce suffering? I’m thankful you’re almost certainly all talk, and let’s hope no one else listens to your posts about “silencing mouthpieces” and “making it dangerous”. That’s a recipe for mass violence, lawlessness, and associated suffering.

                  Violence should be a last resort, used only within bounds that keep if from being a crime/war crime, and definitely not exercised by everyone at will if they’re pretty sure it’s productive.

                    4 months ago

                    You seem to think “killing mouthpieces” is going to be some magical event that makes hateful people reconsider (as opposed to spurring them to violence of their own).

                    Without recruiters and leaders, a movement is smaller, less coordinated, and less radicalised. This is doubly true of authoritatian movements built on lies.

                    Also, I’d like to add it’s ridiculous hyperbole - 3.8 million people are estimated to have died in the 20 years of the Vietnam war. Just over 900k died to violence in all the post 9-11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

                    When talking about the threat of Western fascism, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to look at western fascists? Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin… It’s strange you’d point to such unrelated conflicts. Tens of millions dead.

                    You go ahead and be “guided by morality not legality” while you do try to convince others extrajudicial violence is alright.

                    If killing a mouthpiece of a genocidal movement prevents the deaths of tens of millions of people, it’s morally correct. Similarly, gay marriage wasn’t immoral until it was legal.

                    All because you believe killing people outside the law, and getting people killed in return, is productive if you’re sure it’s right.

                    Its right if it’s productive. It’s not productive because I’m sure it’s right. You’re tying yourself in knots here - it’s very straightforward - minimise suffering and death.

                    You use the example of cops carrying guns, but they’re not under license to kill everyone they disagree with nor is it considered moral (since you don’t care about legality).

                    Cops carry guns because some violence is necessary, and desirable to stop more violence. You kill the school shooter to stop the kids getting murdered, you kill the Nazi leader to stop the minorities getting murdered. Attempting to spin this into a defence of killing anyone you disagree with demonstrates either willful dishonesty or a level of stupidity that would disqualify you from this conversation. Stop.

                    Violence should be a last resort

                    I’ve said as much.

                    used only within bounds that keep if from being a crime/war crime

                    Some killing is immoral and legal - e.g. the use of the death penalty, other killing is moral and illegal - e.g. killing Hitler to end World War II and the Holocaust. Why would you defer to legality in the context of fascists running the government, and being able to set the laws? Why was slavery immoral when it was legal? If your moral framework is based in legality (I don’t think it is, I don’t think you realise that), you’re definitionally amoral - a fundamentally broken human being.

                    not exercised by everyone at will if they’re pretty sure it’s productive.

                    Are you going to wait for the fascist government to try the fascist leader, remove them from power, disassemble the means to commit their series of genocides, pack up and go home? This is a material defence of fascism.

          4 months ago

          Thanks for clarifying that you also are talking about way more than just doxing. Which is the whole point of my post - it’s disingenuous to argue, as he is, that it’s “just doxing guys, why are you so upset?”. You just gave supporting evidence.

        4 months ago

        We can see how well just trying to vote them away is working. Fascists use violence to silence adversaries. All they understand is violence. You will never “moral high ground” a fascist into understanding the error of their ways.

          4 months ago

          No, we don’t see how well voting works. Trump got less votes this run than he did in the last election where he fucking lost.

            4 months ago

            Check the updated vote counts. Some states aren’t done yet and he’s already around a million or so more votes higher than 2020.

          4 months ago

          So instead of opposing them legally, you want to jump straight to violence? I guarantee that will make a martyr out of Fuentes, give Trumpers evidence about how “the enemy within” is dangerous and destructive, and lead to people you support and care about being killed in return.

          Telling people to kill others first is not a plan for a safe nation, and it’s very illegal as well. If you ever stop talking big on a forum and actually commit the violence you pushing for others to do be prepared to spend the rest of your life in prison, and rightfully so. Even worse, someone mentally unstable might read all these posts and go do it themselves and ruin their life because of posts like this. But hey, that will be the ethical choice because it’s worth it right?

          Violence should be a last choice, it should be kept within bounds that prevent it from being a crime/war crime, and should never be done by whoever is angry enough to kill people identified as dangerous by an internet forum.

        4 months ago

        Fuentes has deliberately and specifically doxxed people, karma is a bitch, end of discussion.

        Am I going to burn his house down?

        No, I hate driving.

        But I hope he’s fucking scared that someone will so he can taste what it feels like.

          4 months ago

          Yes, karma is a bitch, and I feel nothing but contempt for Fuentes.

          Doxxing is still bad though.

            4 months ago

            Helpful guide for anyone reading this thread who’s still unsure:

            Doxxing people as a general rule is bad. Doxxing actual fucking nazis specifically is a public service (cool and good).

          4 months ago

          Maybe you just want him to stew. But the whole point of my post is that people providing the specific examples I give don’t just want him doxed or even just protested - they’re actually calling for violence or murder. I don’t like Fuentes, and I’m not defending him as a person AT ALL. It took 3 minutes of looking up who he was to be disgusted by him. That doesn’t justify the blatantly illegal violence people are pushing for. Most of the big talkers will never do a damn thing either, which is actually a good thing because the most likely outcomes are they die or ruin their lives. I just hope their posts about teaching Nazis via violence doesn’t get someone more impressionable to ruin their life.

              4 months ago

              Nazis deserve nothing but bullets to the head

              I thought you just wanted him afraid? Sounds like you too actually want him literally killed without charge or trial - good thing you don’t consider it worth the drive since the most likely outcomes are you die or ruin your life. And spur revenge violence either way when people turn him into a martyr. Fuentes is an awful human being for advocating terrible things, don’t be like him but just on an opposite side. Thanks for a quote to add to my main post that really illustrates people actually wanting violence and not just “innocent” doxing btw.

                4 months ago

                I thought you just wanted him afraid? Sounds like you too actually want him literally killed without charge or trial

                Those are not mutually exclusive. One is much more likely to happen than the other.

                And if someone does end up committing a murder because of some twitter post and going to prison for it, hey, that’s one less ticking time bomb walking the streets. Ol’ nick’s life is far less valuable than those of random innocents. And one more martyr is not going to change anything. They are perfectly capable of substituting imaginary slights for real ones.

                  4 months ago

                  Do you think that “they could be killing us” will get the same response as “they ARE killing us”? Trump and supporting militias are going to have a field day if people like you get their way. If you think it’s bad now, wait until the 134 million American gun owners on both sides are enraged by proven examples that make them fearful of being murdered by their fellow countrymen.

            4 months ago

            If you think the Holocaust would have ended without a whole lot of murder than you’re insane.

              4 months ago

              Ok buddy, you kill your way to a safe nation. What’s actually going to happen is you’ll die or ruin your life, and Trump will get all the proof of radical left terrorism he needs to do things like deploy the military in civilian areas.

                4 months ago

                No problem. You liberals just promise to get out of the way while leftists have to do all the hard work required to save a country. As usual.

                I know you won’t be able to control yourselves though and will make it exponentially more difficult.

                  4 months ago

                  I AM a leftist. I’m a socialist (not communist) who believes in systems akin to Scandinavia’s. I support Bernie Sanders and systems like universal healthcare, living wages, and a strong social network of supports. What I’m not is a short-sighted violence advocate convinced that they’re in a group of untouchable heroes that will save the world via illegal murder and get away with it.

                    4 months ago

                    Have fun waiting for your bloodless Revolution while people around you suffer and die.